Chapter 28: The cousin

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Chapter 28

Valerie's P.O.V.

Jeremy tried to shoot me. He actually tried to shoot me. He is insane. That guy is totally and utterly insane, like what the hell? I remember the feeling of shivering and be in the place physically but not mentally, feeling scared and vulnerable. I don't really remember what had happened around me, I was in my own world, with my own thoughts and fears. I have been going over and over with the episode in my head and I still hear the gunshot. I still remember how it felt when he pointed the gun at me, and I felt like I was going to die.

Right now Jake and I are sitting on the couch in the dorm alone, not saying anything. Just silence. The others didn't show up. I needed peace, they said, and it's true, I really do need peace. My head hurts and I am just not feeling so well. But I don't understand why Jake is here? I know It is stupid to be mad at him still, but even though I just had gone through an episode in my life I probably wouldn't forget in a long time, I just don't get why he is here? Can't he tell, by how I am not talking to him right now that I am mad? Well, I probably haven't really showed it to him, since I reacted and hugged him when we got eye contact and I suddenly was in the presence for not so mant hours ago.

"I'm going to take a shower," I say to him cold and get up, but he grap my wrist pulling me back, so I sit on his lap and he lock me there so I can't move.

He makes us get eye contact. "What's wrong?"

I shrug, trying to get up from his lap, away from him. "Nothing, Jake, let me go." I say as I struggle to get up.

"Why are you acting so cold towards me? Did I do something?" He asks looking worried.

"No, just let me go, Jake. I don't want to talk to you."

His grip get tighter. "No. What did I do, baby?"

I give up, feeling stupid. I shouldn't even be mad at him, it's not like we are dating. "I just... I read a message from your phone." I look up getting eye contact with him.

His eyes gets darker and I can feel he is getting angry with me. "You did what?"

"I'm sorry, alright, I just... It was just there and my eyes just read the message and I saw it was a girl and I know I shouldn't be mad... I mean, we arent even dating, so why am I reacting like this, but I just got the feeling that you were cheating on me and I didn't like it and got mad. But I just... Who is Stephanie, Jake?" I ask him, just wanting an answer.

He smiles when I mention her name, which makes me trying to get out of his hold again. Why did he just smile when I said her name? Does she really make him that happy? "Hey, hey, stop it." He says his grip holding me in place.

"Let me go, Jake. I mean it."

"And I also mean it when I say stop. Yoy don't understand what you are doing to me right now," he gasps and then I feel it. I feel something poking my ass and when I realise what it is I can't help but blush and stop trying to get up. "Thank you. And can you relax? Stephanie is my cousin. And can I please know which message you read since you think I have something with her?" He takes his phone out of his pocket, opening it he goes into the message app and push on Stepanie's name showing me, their texts.

I take his phone out of his hand finding the text, trying not to read the others, cause what if she isn't his cousin and he is just lying and I see a text where she says, he was good and gentle with her in bed? I would freak out.

Hey, Jakie, I can meet up with u next week on monday if you have time. We can do the usual. I miss you.

He starts laughing when he sees the texts. "Baby, when she wrote usual, she meant competeting in weird sports, seeing who wins."

I look at him, not believing him.

He laughs again. "Alright, I can hear how It sound but please read the other texts then you understand."

Jake: Hey Steph. Miss you too, and we should definitely compete again. What weird sport do you have for me this time?

Stephanie: Well, I do. Chess boxing. Doesn't that sound super fun. I am exited to try it out. You have no chance in winning against me.

Jake: Chess boxing? That sounds... well, weird, but that is the main reason we are doing it right? And don't get to high on your ego, Stephie, I will win.

Stephanie: In your dreams😛

Jake: 😛😛😛

I laugh when I see that even Jake has usen the emojis his so-called cousin used. He is so childish sometimes.

He laughs with me. No wait, he isn't laughing with me, he is laughing at me. "I can't believe you thought, me and my cousin had something for eachother." He makes an disgust expression. "She is 14, just so you know."

My eyes widen and this time I laugh so hard. God, how would I have thought they had something for eachother?

He kisses my cheek, smiling. "First of all, I would never be with another girl while I am being this intimate with you. And secound of all, I love seeing you jealous. It turns me on."

I smile giving him a peck on his lips. "Oh really?" I asks starting to grind on him and he moans. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have read your messages, even if it was right in front of me, practically begging me for reading it. But I promise I won't do it again."

He laughs again. God how I love the sound of it. "It's alright, baby. I don't have anything to hide."

I frown. "But you got mad, when I told you."

He nods. "Yes I did. Because I though you had done it, not trusting me, and I don't want you to doubt me. I like you, Valerie."

I smile. "I like you too." And then I get up from his lap. "And as much as I would love to sit there in a while I need to wash this day's memory off of me."

He gets up hugging me tight into him. "Are you sure, you are alright?" He asks kissing my forehead.

"Yeah, I just need to take a shower." And he let me go.

As I enter the bathroom, the memory comes again and I feel the fear from before, like it was happening to me now, and meanwhile I can hear Jake yelling, "I'm ordering food."

I don't answer. I can't answer. My head is pounding again and I keep going over the episode again, even if I don't want to I can't stop. He killed Amelia. On purpose. He said it was an accident, but honestly and I quote: He said: It wasn't meant to happen! Okay? I just accidentally pushed her!

Pushed her? Accidentally?

I don't think so. I am pretty sure we all know he pushed her on purpose, but she wasn't meant to die. And that is sick. How can you be like this toward a person you claim to love? How can you be abusive? Just how and the main question why?

After the bath I take a white towel, it's quite small, but I use it anyway, wrapping it around my body. When I come out, Jake is sitting on the couch seeing tv. He turns around when he hears the door open. He smiles and looks at me with a lustfilled look.

He looks me up and down licking his lips.

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