Secret Kisses

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~Kayla's POV~

“Do you need help with that?” I asked walking into the kitchen

“Uhm, no-uh I don’t think-” Rayleigh stutters out

“Just because I don’t need food doesn't mean I can’t taste it,” I huffed in annoyance “I was born not turned, I’m not dead”

“Oh," she mutters before giving me a bunch of instructions. Since I was going to be here a while I thought I’d help out instead of just being dead weight.

I carefully followed Rayleigh's instructions, trying my best to mimic the way she chopped the vegetables and seasoned the meat. As I stirred the pot on the stove. Some of the other pack members were in and out of the kitchen as I helped Rayleigh with lunch, all looking at me in either shock, disdain, or curiosity.

Oh wow, a vampire that’s not about to massacre an entire pack, wow. Can you sense my enthusiasm? I get where they’re coming from but jeeze.

I couldn't blame them for being wary. Vampires and werewolves had a long history of hostility, each side harboring centuries-old grudges and prejudices.

I jumped as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, before relaxing “Aren't you supposed to be in your office” I muttered feeling Michelle's head resting on my shoulder.

“Meren't you supposed to come visit me an hour ago" She mutters seemingly ignoring Rayleigh's straight-up staring in shock “You’re not at full strength right now, otherwise you would’ve sensed me coming miles away"

“Maybe I didn't want to sense you coming, did you think about that?” I asked covering the pop with its lid and stepping away from the stove, turning to Michelle's

“It's a natural instinct, not something you can turn on and off" She growled gripping my waist tighter

Michelle's touch sent a shiver down my spine “Well jokes on you, I know how to turn it off" I said smugly making her look at me as though I just said the most stupid thing she’d ever heard.

“Well don’t, Rayleigh, I’m taking her" Before even waiting for a response Michelle took my hand and began pulling me away. As Michelle dragged me out of the kitchen, I shot Rayleigh an apologetic look before she turned back to her cooking. I allowed Michelle to lead me through the pack house, passing by curious onlookers who gave us wary glances.

Once we were safely inside Michelle's office, she closed the door behind us and turned to face me. Her eyes bore into mine, a mixture of frustration and longing dancing in their depths.

"I don't know what to do" she whines sighing

“What do you mean?” I ask, taking her by the waist and pulling her closer, her forehead resting against my cheek.

“I want to hold you, and kiss you, and cuddle you and… other… things, but I’m scared" She whimpers “What will my pack think, seeing me get all cozy with a vampire the same species as those who killed their former leaders? Will they think I shouldn't be Alpha? Will they get angry at me for not rejecting you as soon as I found out we were mates?”

“Well, I-" I sighed “I’m genuinely not the best when it comes to stuff like this, I run away from responsibilities, mostly because my father is a tyrannical jackass and I hate doing what he wants, but for now, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there, and I'll be right by your side"

“The more you talk about your father, the more I want to rip his head off and watch him die" Michelle mutters angrily making me laugh.

“Honestly same" I chuckled “Now I have a favor to ask"

“Sure, what’s up?” Michelle says attempting to let go of me, but I won’t allow it

“I want to be all lovey-dovey and clingy with you in public, will you let me?” I ask. Goddess if Lucas saw me right now, he’d tease me forever.

“…Even though I’m still getting used to this, yeah, we can,” She said making me way too happy. I wrap my arms around her neck pulling her closer and kissing her, taking her by surprise given her little sound of shock.

After Michelle and I’s moment in her office, I stayed while she finished up her work until dinner time. We both went to shower before coming back downstairs. I saw her talking with a few pack members, I wanted to go over, but… Instead, I sat by the window alone.

“Kayla” I perked up and looked over at Michelle who beckoned me over. I shook my head hesitantly. She called me again and I hesitantly walked over.

“Yea-Ah!” I yelped as she randomly yanked me down to sit in her lap. “Michelle!”

“What” she mutters holding me closer. I looked around the room, most of the pack members didn't give a rat’s ass, and those who did looked at me with anger. Thank goddess for my dark skin or my face would be as red as a ripe tomato from embarrassment.

Michelle held me close, her arms wrapped around me protectively as she nuzzled my neck. "Don't worry about them," she whispered in my ear. "You're mine, and I'll protect you from anyone who tries to take you away from me."

“I thought you were scared?” I muttered

“Yeah, but, as my dad once said, ‘life’s more fun when you take risks,” she says shrugging and massaging my hip. I snuggle into her chest, trying to ignore the looks, not for my sake but hers.

I eased up just enough to press a kiss against her jawline, before tucking my face into her neck inhaling her sweet scent of lavender and coconut. As the night winded down, Michelle got more and more restless before, she eventually just got up, carrying me in her arms as she went back upstairs to our ‘room'.

She gently set me on the bed, before crawling under the covers herself, pulling me closer and holding me tight. Unable to contain myself I rolled on top of her, straddling her waist “Can I kiss you?” I asked looking down at her “And when I say kiss, I mean like heavy-ish make-out sesh"

She chuckled at this and cupped my face in her hands, pulling me down for a deep, passionate kiss. Our lips moved together in perfect sync. I ran my hands through her hair, feeling the soft strands slip through my fingers as she pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. I nipped her lip, reveling in the sound of her moan from the action.

Michelle's hands roamed over my back, sending tingles down my spine making me arch into her. Suddenly she flipped us, pinning me to the bed, still kissing me as though her life depended on it.

As she deepened our kiss, I felt her hands travel down my body, lingering on my hips before slowly moving up again, teasingly grazing my skin. I shivered at her touch, wrapping my legs around her waist pulling her even closer to me. I whimpered as her lips left mine, but it turned into a moan as she pressed kisses again my jaw trailing down my neck. “W-we should probably stop before we go too far" I gasped

Seemingly unable to speak, she nodded, lying next to me. Once her breathing had evened out, signifying that she was asleep, I curled into her chest, falling asleep.



❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

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