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~Michelle's POV~

"Mickyy!!"My sister Marie moans for the tenth time since she's been in my office watching me work out a few business papers for the pack business.

"What!" I snap at her in an annoyed tone as I look up at her, scowling slightly.

"Let's go outside, I wanna shift"she whines stomping her foot childishly.

"When I am finished"I snapped before sighing and rubbing my temple.

"Ever since Mom and Dad died you never make any time for me anymore," she says in a sad tone, looking down and fiddling with the hem of her dress.

"Rie, look when I'm finished I promi-" I didn't finish my sentence because she cut me off.

"Stop, stop making promises you know you won't keep," she says as she leaves my office with tears in her eyes yet again, slamming the door behind her.

I let out a heavy sigh, feeling a pang of guilt wash over me as I watched Marie storm out of the room. I knew she was right - ever since our parents passed away, I had been consumed by my responsibilities to the pack. I had put my own sister on the back burner, neglecting her need for companionship and comfort.

Fed up, I head outside to find Marie already in wolf form, her fluffy gray fur glistening in the sunlight. Without hesitation, I shift into my own massive black wolf form, ignoring my ripped clothes, and join her in a run through the forest. The wind rushes past us as we race through the trees. In that moment, I made a silent vow to always make time for my sister, no matter what responsibilities may weigh on my shoulders.

I catch up to Marie and nudge her playfully, letting out a series of joyful barks. She responds with a happy yip, and together we explore the forest that surrounds our pack territory. The worries and stress of my duties fade away as I watch Marie leap over fallen logs, her energy infectious. For the first time in what feels like forever, I felt a calm wash over me

As the sun begins to set, we make our way back to the pack grounds, our fur glowing in the fading light. Marie nuzzles against me, a silent apology passing between us without words. I give her a gentle lick on the ear in return, letting her know that I am here for her, always.

With a sense of peace settling in my heart, I lead Marie back to our cabin, the soft glow of firelight greeting us as we enter. The pack members milling about pause in their activities to watch us.

I catch the eye of my Beta, Aaron, who offers me a knowing smile before turning back to his conversation with a few other wolves. I make a mental note to delegate more tasks to him so that I can spend quality time with Marie without neglecting my duties.

Inside the cabin, Marie happily trots up the stairs.

Rayleigh, can you bring me some clothes please? I asked through the pack link.

"On it" she responded immediately to my request through the pack link. She skipped down the stairs with said clothes and handed them to me.

I shifted back into my human form, feeling the cool breeze. I ran up the stairs, knocking on Rie's door, upon opening it, I hugged her "I'm sorry, Rie. I've been neglecting you, and I'm so sorry, I'll try harder" I vowed,

Marie nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I know you have a lot on your plate, Micky, I have to admit I haven't been too kind to you either"

"That's fine," I said kissing her head

"Great, now get your tits out of my face" she huffed

I chuckled at her remark, shaking my head in amusement. "Alright, alright, I'm leaving," I teased before heading to my own room. Just as I collapsed on my bed, there was a knock on the door "Ugh!"

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