20 Questions

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~Kayla's POV~

“Kayla" I looked up from my book to see Michelle walking over.

“Yeah," I answered. It was the day after the announcement and I wanted to take advantage of my new freedom, so I went outside, found a comfortable spot in the forest, and sat down to finish the book I was reading.

“First, this is Adeline, she’s one of my close friends,” Michelle said referring to the black-haired, gray-eyed girl who looked less than enthusiastic to see me.

“Hello," I said trying to be polite, she rolled her eyes and started checking out her nails

“Addy, please” Michelle begged, the girl sighed before turning to me

“Hi," she said in a strained tone.

Michelle sighed “I asked Addy to take you out to buy you some stuff, clothes, shoes, and the like”

I closed my book and stood up, tucking it under my arm. "Nice to meet you, Adeline. Thanks for taking the time to go shopping with me." Adeline just gave me a curt nod before turning on her heel and walking towards the edge of the forest.

Michelle shot me an apologetic look before coming closer and kissing my nose “I’ll be in my office when you get back” I nodded and gave her the book while following Adeline into the town. It wasn't hard to catch up to her, she was shorter than me and I had my vampiric speed on my side.

“Sooo" I started trying to break the silence as we walked but Adeline glared at me

“Look, I don't want to be here babysitting you, so let's just get this over with,” Adeline snapped, her tone icy.  "Let's just get this over with quickly so I can go back to my own business."

As we entered the bustling town, I couldn't help but notice the curious glances we received from the townspeople. It was clear they were not used to seeing a vampire walking amongst them, and it was painfully obvious most of them would prefer I not exist let alone be anywhere near them.

Upon entering a random boutique Adeline turned to me “Just grab some stuff whatever you need and hurry the fuck up,” she growled

I quickly scanned the racks of clothing, selecting a few items that caught my eye. As I made my way to the fitting room, I couldn't help but overhear whispers from the other customers in the store.

"Can you believe she's Alpha's mate?"

"I don't believe it for a second“

“She’s definitely deceiving Alpha Michelle"

Ignoring the comments, I tried on the clothes and found a couple of outfits that I liked. Adeline was leaning against a wall, tapping her foot impatiently when I emerged from the fitting room.

"Let's go pay for these," she said briskly, leading me to the checkout counter. As she handled the transaction without exchanging a single word with me, not that I minded much, the muttering of the other customers made up for it. As we stepped outside Adeline turned to me “Periods?”

“Nope, not anymore” I explained. I stopped seeing my period after I turned forty-five, menopause and post-menopause were hell until after fifty-six

“Weird but okay” Adeline scoffed, “let's go get you some shoes, accessories, and make-up or whatever”

“Why bother?” I asked “You obviously don't want to be here”

“No, I don't want to be here, but if I don’t finish this Michelle will be mad" she growled annoyed “Now come on and stop wasting my time”

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