Not Ready

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~Kayla's POV~

“You're my mate Kayla, and whether or not I acknowledge that, I'll always want you, conscious or subconsciously”  Michelle admitted.

I was shocked, to say the least. Michelle's words echoed through my mind as I tried to make sense of everything. The tension between us had always been palpable.”Michelle you don't have to force yourself,  I said I'd wait” I said. Honestly, things have been heavy for way too long, I want to just go back to her, being shy and me teasing her.

“I know, and I appreciate it, but I have to admit that a large part of me is getting impatient, especially when you’re at my fingertips” Michelle groans

“Wolfy, you know I want you, but I'm not going to do anything until all of you want me, and I get that that’ll take time, I’m not going anywhere” I try to reassure her

As I spoke, Michelle's eyes softened, and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She reached out to gently cup my face in her hands, her touch sending shivers down my spine. "Yeah, I understand”

After that was cleared up Michelle showered and then left to attend to her pack duties while I stayed in her room.

There wasn't much to do since I couldn't leave, someone might find me, and it's not like I had my phone so I could call anyone. Bored out of my mind I reached for a book from a small bookshelf kept in Michelle's room.

It seemed to be a horror story and my interest was piqued, so much so I hadn't noticed when Michelle returned until she sat next to me. Either that or I needed more blood than I took.


“Ah!” I yelled in surprise dropping the book and losing the page.

“Sorry, didn't you hear me come in?” She asked. I chose not to answer. I didn't want to lie and say yes, and at the same time I didn't want to say no and have to answer her ‘why'. “Kayla"


“Hey, wolfy" I purred turning my attention to her “Wanna, play a game?”

“What kind of game?”

“If you kiss me, I have to kiss you and if I kiss you, you have to kiss me"

“No kissing” she deadpans

“Darn” I faux-huffed

“You didn't drink enough blood this morning did you?” She growls

“Can we just go back to normal, I tease you, and you get shy about it?” I ask not really wanting to talk about this morning.

“No, come here" and that is how I ended up in her lap, comfortably lying on her chest as I drank the rest of what I needed. I didn't need that much blood, but the goddess knows when I’ll have an opportunity to sit on her lap again, so I’ll take my time. It's not like it’ll hurt her, since she’s my mate, me drinking her blood only has an aphrodisiac effect.

Michelle's heart rate quickened as I drank from her, the sensation warm and comforting. After I had my fill, I leaned back away from Michelle, taking in her content expression.

"Better?" Michelle asked softly, her voice tinged with a mix of amusement and something else.

I nodded, "Much better. Thank you," I answered sincerely, my eyes locking with hers. Eventually, Michelle's gaze began to wander, everywhere and nowhere in particular, so I took that as my cue to get off of her lap. As I sat next to her I noticed something had caught her attention “See something you like?” I asked leaning toward her. She quickly looked away

“Uh- uhm it's noth-nothing" she stuttered.

“You sure? Could’ve sworn you were staring at my boobs a second ago" I muttered teasingly

Michelle blushed furiously, the red creeping up her cheeks even as she tried to maintain a composed exterior. "I-I was not!" she sputtered, avoiding eye contact with me. Despite her embarrassment, a small smile played at the corners of her lips, betraying her attempt to appear unaffected.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her flustered state, finding it endearing and amusing all at once. "It's okay if you were, you know," I said casually, enjoying the way her eyes widened in surprise at my nonchalant response. “I mean, the moon goddess gave me to you as your mate and so my boobs are yours too. Wanna feel?”

Michelle's eyes widened to the size of saucers, her cheeks now resembling ripe apples. She sputtered incomprehensibly, trying to form a coherent response to my daring proposition. I could see the battle of desire and propriety waging within her, her wolf side urging her to give in to the temptation while her human side struggled to maintain control.

After a few moments of internal struggle, Michelle's resolve seemed to crumble as she tentatively reached a hand out towards me. Her touch was hesitant at first as if she couldn't quite believe she was actually doing this. But as her hand made contact with my chest, a visible shiver ran through her body, and I couldn't help but let out a soft gasp at the sensation.

Michelle pulled her hand away as though I had burned her “I, I should go" and with that, she quickly scampered out of the room once again leaving me with nothing to do.

I couldn't help but smile at Michelle's reaction as she left the room in a hurry.


Hours passed, and twilight painted the sky. I continued to wait, knowing that the pack would have dinner then Michelle would finally come back up to go to bed.

And on cue, with a full belly, in cane my wolf of a mate. “I’m uhm, gonna go shower," she said locking her bedroom door

“Want me to join?” I purred teasingly. Michelle's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red at my suggestion, her eyes wide with surprise. She hesitated. After a moment of tense silence, she finally managed to stammer out a response. "I-I don't think that would be appropriate," she whispered, avoiding my gaze.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her flustered state, finding it both endearing and amusing. "Alright, your loss," I teased with a playful smirk. Michelle blushed even more furiously at my words, looking like she wanted to disappear into the floor.

As she turned to head towards the bathroom, I called out after her, unable to resist one final taunt. "Just remember, the offer stands if you change your mind!" Michelle shot me a mortified look before disappearing into the bathroom, leaving me alone in her room once again.

After she finished,  we exchanged places; me taking a shower while she stayed in her room. After I was done, I crawled under the covers and latched onto Michelle, wanting to be spooned, but she probably wouldn't want to, so I begrudgingly let go and turned my back to her, inching away until I was at the very edge of the bed.

As I lay on the edge of the bed, my back turned to Michelle, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. I had hoped that maybe tonight would be different, that perhaps she would welcome my closeness. But it seemed that she was still keeping her distance, both physically and emotionally.

I closed my eyes and tried to push away the feelings of rejection that threatened to overwhelm me. It wasn't her fault that she was hesitant, that she was still coming to terms with our bond. I needed to be patient, to give her the space and time she needed to accept me as her mate, especially with what happened with her parents. Werewolves and vampires were already raised to hate each other, but this had pushed her hatred for my kind, so I shouldn't feel so bummed that she’s not ready.



❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

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