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~Kayla's POV~

I continued my trek through the woods. It's been about two weeks since I was temporarily banished from my coven with nothing more but the clothes on my back.

I hadn't eaten since my first day out here, and surprisingly I hadn't seen anyone else besides the rouge werewolves

“Where the FUCK AM I!?” I yelled in annoyance, against my better judgment. By yelling, I was pretty much painting myself in blood and walking into a lion’s den, but I was getting so fed up already and it had only been two weeks. I still have five months and two more weeks before I can go home.

Just as the echo of my voice faded into the surrounding trees, I heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. My muscles tensed, ready for another potential threat. But instead of a werewolf or some other creature, a figure emerged from the shadows. He was small and dainty with glittering green eyes and golden hair that reached his shoulders, his pointed ears peeking through. As he cautiously stepped into the sunlight I noticed them; Wings. He was a fairy.

“Uhm, Madame, Vampire lady? Are you okay?” He asked, his voice sounded like soft bell chimes making me relax instantly.

I stared at the fairy in front of me, his delicate features and ethereal presence taking me by surprise. It had been a long time since I had encountered anyone other than rouges and deer and other forest animals in these woods. And here was this tiny, beautiful creature standing before me, asking if I was okay.

"I... I'm fine," I stammered, caught off guard by his gentle demeanor. It was a stark contrast to the harshness I had come to expect in these woods. "Thank you for asking."

The fairy tilted his head to the side, his wings fluttering slightly as he observed me with curiosity. "You don't seem like you're from around here. What brings a vampire like you to these parts?"

I hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal to this stranger. But something about him made me want to open up, to share the burden that weighed heavy on my shoulders.

"I was banished from my coven," I admitted finally, “only temporarily though, my father is a bit mad at me" I rolled my eyes

The fairy's expression softened with understanding as he listened to my words. "I see. It must be difficult to be away from your people, especially under such circumstances. But do not despair, for the woods can be a place of solace and healing if you allow it to be." His voice was soothing, almost hypnotic as if he possessed some ancient wisdom that transcended time itself.

I couldn't help but be drawn in by his words, a sense of comfort washing over me in his presence. "Thank you," I murmured gratefully, feeling a weight lift off my chest as I spoke. "What is your name, fairy?"

He smiled warmly, the glint of mischief dancing in his emerald eyes. "I am Thistle," he introduced himself with a graceful bow. "And what shall I call you, Madame Vampire?"

A small laugh escaped my lips at his formality. "You can call me Kayla," I replied, offering him a slight nod


We both flinched at the sudden call. “Sounds like someone's looking for you,” I said raising an eyebrow at Thistle.

His cheeks turned a vibrant shade of pink at the mention of someone calling for him. "That would be my mother," he confessed sheepishly, his wings rustling nervously. "She worries if I'm gone too long. It was a pleasure meeting you, Kayla. Perhaps we'll meet again in these woods." With a final smile, Thistle darted off into the trees, leaving behind an air of magic and mystery.

Alone once more, I couldn't shake the feeling of warmth and comfort that lingered from my encounter with the fairy. Smiling to myself I continued on.

Soon I found a nice cave deciding that I'd been awake for far too long. Once I was as comfortable as one could be on uneven rock, I fell asleep.

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