30. All alone, completely relaxed

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The final hugs at the ferry port had faded as the ship had already begun its journey. The waves carried away the memory of my son's laughter as I stood alone on the pier. The wind played with my hair and brought the salty coastal air to me. A feeling of lightness flowed through me as I began the walk back to our seaside holiday home.

The sun had slowly bid farewell under the clouds, its warm light gently caressing the rugged landscape. A few raindrops fell as some wind picked up. I took a deep breath and felt the weight of everyday life fall from my shoulders. Finally, I had time for myself, time to breathe and time to rediscover myself.

On the way back to the holiday home, I let myself be enchanted by the beauty of nature. I paused to let my gaze wander over the majestic cliffs and to enjoy the sound of the waves gently rolling onto the shore. A smile spread across my face, knowing that the coming days would be full of possibilities.

Back at our cozy cottage, I opened the door and let the peace and security of the place wash over me. I treated myself to a cup of hot tea and sat on the terrace, where I could watch the sparkling sea.

The time was now mine alone, and I decided to use it in my own way. Maybe I would take long walks on the beach in the coming days or just lie in the sun and read a good book. Perhaps I would also indulge in the art of doing nothing and simply enjoy the moment.

Whatever the days would bring, one thing was certain: This break was exactly what I needed to find myself again and return to daily life strengthened. And for this precious moment of peace and self-discovery, I was infinitely grateful.

It became increasingly uncomfortable on the terrace, so I went inside and lit the stove, deciding to brew another coffee.

As I closed the door behind me, a cozy warmth spread through our comfortable living room. The view of the wild sea through the windows was breathtaking, and I could not help but sit on the couch and enjoy a cup of steaming coffee.

As I listened to the subdued roar of the beach and the crackling of the wood in the stove, I closed my eyes and sank into this moment of silence. It was just me and the sounds of the house keeping me company. Okay, maybe also the cup of coffee that I sipped occasionally while looking out. But hey, I couldn't help but chuckle. I was just reveling in the incredible moment of being here alone, not knowing what to actually do with myself.

So I decided on the ultimate luxury: sweatpants and a Smurf t-shirt. Yes – pink sweatpants and a light blue Smurf t-shirt. I tied my hair up, washed my face, and decided to dye my eyebrows. Because why not?

With a few masksheets under my eyes, I almost felt like a VIP in my own holiday home. Then I made myself an egg with onions and crispy chili sauce – yes, I had brought my own culinary masterpieces. Accompanied by a few rolls from the day before – perfect.

After I had had my fill of the sea – at least for the moment – I collapsed on the couch and began to select my vacation program on Netflix. With top-notch Wi-Fi and a smart TV that offered all kinds of apps, the evening could only be great. Because yes, life was wonderful. And if this wasn't material for a novel, then I didn't know what was.

But as I hungrily ate the first bites, I remembered that I had dyed my eyebrows and cursed quietly to myself. The color was a bit broader than planned, so I began to carefully scrub it off. When I looked in the mirror, a neat shadow under my eyebrows made me look funny. Great, I thought, just what I needed.

As I continued to rub and scrub, of course, my phone rang – just at that moment. "Oops," I thought as I answered Momo's FaceTime call. "Hello, princess," he greeted me with a wide grin. "You look really vacation-y. What have you done to your eyebrows?" I could practically feel his laughter through the phone.

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