12. Farting Horses

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Since the news about the major order from the Danish furniture company arrived at Stahl advertising agency, I could feel the entire office buzzing with excitement.

Some were flustered like chickens. Along with Livia, the boss's assistant, I was tasked with the significant job of searching the archive for old advertisements from the 1960s, showcasing our firm's presentation of the legendary Danish chair.L

ivia, the bright spark of the office, impressed with her imposing stature – tall at around 5'11", slim and wiry. Her dark brown, luxuriant hair was always styled into an intricate braided crown around her head, which suited her exceptionally well. Her wardrobe mirrored her personality – short pencil skirts and colorful blouses with playful patterns gave her a striking elegance.

Livia embodied the image of an alert mind, always sharp and clever. Unfazed by the strict guidelines of her demanding boss, she moved through office life with admirable dignity. Her charisma and self-confidence conveyed that she was not just an assistant but a cornerstone of daily office life. Often, we would meet during breaks with Momo and chat about this and that.

In addition to her acumen, Livia was also extremely witty, and working with her was not only productive but also entertaining. In colorful blouses and with a charming smile, she brought a refreshing lightness to the often stressful office routine. Her witty remarks and sharp humor enlivened the atmosphere and created a positive dynamic within the team.

Together, we entered the archive on the other side of the building. The corridors seemed like a quirky spaceship.The archive rooms, a different world, smelled of old paper and history. The search turned into a fascinating journey into the past. Working closely with Livia, we systematically combed through the archive, every dust strand and each yellowed paper, in search of the lost treasures of past advertising campaigns.

We also held other campaigns in our hands and laughed heartily at the hairstyles of some models. Rediscovering these historical advertisements was not only a reminder of bygone times but also the key to designing the current marketing campaign.

Livia pulled out an advertising treasure from the file cabinets with shining eyes – the first Havblick Driftstol. This chair represented a fascinating symbiosis of clear lines, modern elegance, and a unique choice of materials. Its frame, shaped from smoothly polished driftwood, exuded timeless beauty. It was available in several versions, upholstered with sailcloth or with leather strips. The original chair had leather strips as the seating surface. Its sturdy construction from light wood and the tasteful seating surface gave it an elegant simplicity. The clear lines radiated timeless beauty, characteristic of Scandinavian design from that era.In our hands, we held a timeless treasure from the 1960s – the Scandinavian chair, the first advertisements.

Almost tenderly, Livia traced the contours of the furniture and sighed deeply.

"Don't you feel like Indiana Jones?" Livia mischievously asked me. "Well," I cautiously looked around, "let's hope no villains are chasing us!" we laughed foolishly. Then she began whistling the theme tune from "Indiana Jones," and I joined in.

The atmosphere in the archive was charged with history and departure as we leafed through the past while simultaneously looking to the future. "The Lindgaard-Copenhagen company owes us a lot, and at the same time, we owe them so much. It's a fascinating story how things sometimes interlock," Livia confessed as her fingers glided over the advertisements.

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