29. Farvel, my troll!

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We sat at the large dining table in our holiday home, where Aunt Merle had prepared her famous baked potatoes with bell peppers, vegetables, rosemary, garlic, and a quark-herb crème that smelled irresistible. I sat across from Morten and Aunt Merle, with Laszlo to my left and Gregor at the head of the table.

Laszlo was bursting with excitement as he talked about his kite flying. "And Mama was in the water with Morten!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Aunt Merle looked at me in surprise.

"Really? And wasn't it too cold for such antics?" I smiled as I relived that fleeting memory. "It was refreshing. Only..." I hesitated, remembering how Morten and I had looked at each other in the water, the tension between us crackling like the salt in the air, "I scraped my knee while flying the kite. It stung a bit when I was in the water and a wave unexpectedly knocked me over."

Morten laughed, his gaze meeting mine, and for a moment it was as if we were back in the sea, alone, about to commit some folly. I quickly took a drink from my glass.

"The sea is unpredictable," he said, and his voice carried an undertone meant only for me.

Uncle Gregor nodded and gave a piece of advice. "Next time you'll have to be more careful. You wouldn't want the sea to claim more than just your knee."

The laughter around the table was hearty, yet inside me, a restless voice whispered.

As Laszlo continued excitedly and Aunt Merle lovingly admonished him to eat slower, I sank into my thoughts.

"And then, and then," Laszlo continued, "the kite almost flew up to the clouds!" Morten responded with a promise. "Next time I'll bring my childhood kite from that photo, and we'll let them fly together." His smile was contagious.

As we all enjoyed our meal, Morten used the relaxed atmosphere to learn more about the upcoming trip. "Gregor, I'm almost as excited about your travel plans as I am about the recipe for these potatoes," Morten joked as he shot me a mischievous look, which I tried hard to ignore.

"Tell us, what route have you planned? And how long will you be traveling?" Morten inquired.

Gregor, always ready to discuss travel descriptions and route planning, put down his fork and leaned back. "Well, we start tomorrow from Hirtshals and take the ferry to Norway, where Laszlo and we begin an epic 1,100-kilometer round trip through Norway's most spectacular landscapes."

Merle added, "We'll drive through the Hardangervidda, a vast high plateau nature reserve known for its herds of wild reindeer and spectacular views. Then it's on to Bergen, known for its colorful wooden houses on the harbor and the historic Hanseatic district of Bryggen. We want to breathe the fresh air of the fjords and experience the vibrant culture of the city."

Uncle Gregor took over: "After a night in Lærdalsøyri, a charming little village on the Sognefjord known for its well-preserved wooden houses from the 17th century, we continue to Flåm. In Flåm, we hope to take a ride on the famous Flåm Railway, known for its breathtaking views of mountains and waterfalls."

"Oh, the Flåm Railway!" Morten interjected. "That's really a ride you shouldn't miss."

Laszlo, barely containing his smile, chimed in: "And we're going up the Trollstigen, right? That'll be the best!"

Morten laughed. "Yes, the Trollstigen is spectacular. The serpentine road with eleven hairpin bends, surrounded by majestic mountains, is really impressive."

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