14.Perfect for eachother aren't they?

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"I know you missed your Hyejin.. I missed you too,"

she cooed, enveloping Jungkook in her embrace. My heart sank as I watched them, feeling a pang of jealousy. Who was she, and why was she so at ease with him?

"Annyeong! Kang Hyejin!" she exclaimed, breaking the hug and bowing politely.

I could feel my discomfort growing as Hyejin's presence lingered in the room.

"Hyejin-ssi, how do you know Jungkook?" I asked, trying to mask my unease with a polite smile.

Hyejin turned to me, her gaze curious. "siljelo, we've been friends since high school," she replied cheerfully. "We lost touch for a while, but recently reconnected."

My jealousy flared up at her casual explanation. "Ah, that's nice," I replied, forcing a smile. "It's great that you two have such a strong bond."

As Jungkook and Hyejin exchanged glances filled with affection, I felt a pang of jealousy.

Hanna unnie, ever observant, couldn't resist commenting on their chemistry. "Wow, you two look like a K-drama couple," she teased, nudging me playfully.

I forced a laugh, trying to play it cool. "Eung, they do," I replied, trying to mask my discomfort.

But inside, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being sidelined as they continued their lovey-dovey interactions.

Jungkook and Hyejin shared a knowing smile, oblivious to my inner turmoil. It was as if they were in their own little world, leaving me on the sidelines.

As Jungkook and Hyejin chatted animatedly, I tried to focus on the conversation, but my mind kept wandering to their closeness.

"So, Hyejin, how do you know Jungkook?" Hanna unnie asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room.

Hyejin smiled, her eyes lighting up. "We went to the same high school. Jungkook was always so popular, but he was also the sweetest guy," she replied, casting a fond glance at Jungkook.

Jungkook chuckled, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Ah, Hyejin exaggerates," he said, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

Hyejin shook her head, laughing. "Ani, I'm serious! You were always helping others, and everyone admired you," she insisted, her admiration for Jungkook evident in her tone.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at Hyejin's words. It seemed like she knew Jungkook on a deeper level, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of being left out.

Hanna, ever perceptive, noticed my discomfort and nudged me gently. "Yn, don't worry. You and Jungkook have your own special bond," she whispered reassuringly.

I managed a weak smile, grateful for Hanna's support. But deep down, I couldn't shake off the feeling of insecurity that gnawed at me.

Meanwhile, Jungkook and Hyejin continued to reminisce about their high school days, sharing stories and laughter.

It was as if they were the only ones in the room, completely absorbed in each other's company.

As the conversation flowed, I found myself becoming more and more withdrawn, lost in my own thoughts. "Yn, gwaenchanhayo?" Jungkook's voice brought me back to reality, and I forced a smile, nodding in response.

"Ne, I'm fine," I replied, but my voice sounded hollow even to my own ears.

Hanna shot me a concerned look, but before she could say anything, Jungkook's phone buzzed with a notification. "Mian, I have to take this," he said, glancing apologetically at us before stepping out of the room.

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