Chapter 56: Risk

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9:20 P.M

– Fast food restaurant–

     "Damn, Kaz, you're ravishing that like a beast." Micheal remarked as he watched Kazuo finish half a burger with only two bites.

     "Right? I was jus' gonna say," Cicero sipped on his third box of apple juice.

     Rehan stifled a laugh and tried not to choke on his food, "He needs to build up energy for his bad jokes."

     Kazuo rolled his eyes, his mouth full with food and ignored Rehan.

     "Stop insulting him like that." Omi pointed a fry at the ash blond, completing missing the joke.

    "Dude, what?" Micheal laughed at Omi.

    "I don't understand why you guys keep attacking him," Omi replied with a serious expression.

     Zen rubbed his face with both of his palms and groaned, not feeling like confronting the glasses wearer anymore. His mood was already down and he felt sleepy. 

     Cicero called over a worker and asked for more apple juice with a sweet smile.

     "Are you addicted or something?" Rehan asked him after the worker left.

     "Pretty much, yeah," Cicero shrugged, "Better than any alcohol out there."

     "I disagree," Kazuo wiped his mouth with a napkin after technically inhaling a second burger.

     "What? You think beer is the best?" Rehan turned to him.


     "I expected as much," Rehan blinked and went back to eating.

     "I also agree that beer is the best," Omi chimed in, nodding in agreement.

     "I never saw you drink beer in my fucking life," Zen leaned forward on his arms.

     Omi mustered up a lot of courage then said, "Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it hasn't happened,"

     Zen narrowed his eyes slightly. "Yeah, well, I've never seen a unicorn, but that doesn't mean they exist," he countered.

     Cicero glanced between them, sensing Zen's annoyance building beneath the surface. "Let's not start a debate about mythical creatures," he interjected with a chuckle, attempting to diffuse the situation.

     But Zen wasn't ready to let it go. "I'm jus' saying, talk is cheap," he persisted, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with Omi, "and you're acting like Kade is your girlfriend. Like, relax, no one's out to get him."

     "When did this start?" Micheal asked Zen.

     "Ever since Kazuo and Cicero had a fight, this fucker has been Kade's pet," Zen voiced out his opinion and a silence fell over the table.

     "I—uh," Omi tried to defend himself, "That's not true."

     Kazuo was checking his phone like he was deaf to the outside world and Rehan tried not to laugh.

     Micheal was about to speak, when Cicero beat him to it, attempting  to steer the conversation in a different direction and lower the tension.

     "Guys, Aria said she can't make it today, so we should finish up, yeah?" he said then nudged Zen on his shoulder.

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