Chapter 12: Library

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11:31 P.M

-Amusement park-

Sore legs struggled to push themselves against the concrete of the outdoor amusement park. Everyone was drained after all the playing and fun they went through the whole day.

"One more ride!" Cicero came running towards Zen after he was done buying cotton candy from the stand. The red head looked at him with a defeated look, "Don't tell me you brought one for me,"

"Why wouldn't I?" The shorter tilted his head at Zen.

Zen groaned before he face palmed, "I don't like sugar," His voice unusually low.

The green head frowned before he handed him the stick of cotton candy, "Eh? Again with this? Just eat it,"

Zen took it from his hand and turned to Omi and Micheal who looked like they didn't wanna go to any more rides.

"Zen, you stay with Cicero. I'll go with Micheal to the library. I saw a sign that said a library is in this place, so I'm going, bye," Omi waved and Micheal followed after him, not before making hand motions for Cicero to look after Zen which the red head glared and huffed at.

Zen bit his lip as he watched them grow, an irritated look playing on his face as Cicero stepped closer to the redhead unaware of his actions. Finally, Zen looked away with a sigh as his face showed nothing, but tiredness which made Cicero blink a couple times in wonder.

"Are you tired? We can stop, you know," Cicero patted the red head's shoulder, slightly tiptoeing in order to do so. Zen nodded slowly and rested his forehead on Cicero's shoulder, his arms hanging low on both sides as the green head played with his red locks and patted his head from time to time. Cicero took the cotton candy from Zen's right hand, seeing it slowly slip away from his grip as exhaustion took him over, making his relax and all tension in his body leave.

Cicero closed his eyes and just allowed it to happen, something inside him telling him they won't be able to do this again, but he didn't know why.

"Let's go the benches over there," Zen breathed out, lifting his forehead a little to stare with half-lidded eyes at the said object and only the bottom part of his face pressed against Cicero's jacket, inhaling the sweet scent. Zen raised his head after a few seconds and looked at Cicero who was staring at the rides' light shinning and moving so swiftly in the dark sky, becoming another illumation source other than the moon and stars, blurring every time they moved as Cicero's eyes caught up to the colorful lights. Zen could've swore he knew just that by looking into his bright green eyes that reflected the sight, making it more beautiful in his green orbs.

Cicero looked at Zen quickly then up and down, "Yeah, m'fine with that" He smiled before grabbing Zen's cold hand, his rings feeling colder and dragging him to the benches.

"Do you wanna sleep like last time?" Cicero sat down and patted the space next to him for Zen to sit as well, the red head doing so, "You can sleep on my lap since I did on yours last time,"

"Hah?! You did?" Zen looked at him in surprise.

Zen simply shook his head to let the matter fall as it was unimportant and let his eyes rest for a while before he looked at Cicero. He hesitated for a moment, gradually lowering his upper body until Cicero grabbed his head, palm on his ear and slightly pressing on Zen's earring to lightly push him down so he could lay on his lap.

"Don't be shy," Cicero giggled as he tapped on Zen thighs, signaling him to lift them up. The red head huffed, the ruby color on his cheek blossoming and then deepening, "I'm not fucking shy," He grumbled and lifted his legs off the floor to lay down fully.

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