Chapter 18

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Hey guys, so decided to post two new chapters today just to celebrate the end of my exams and how well it went😁. Thank you to all those who gave their support, I really appreciate.
I hope you like this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow 😘.

Amaya's POV

I left the office immediately after signing the documents. I felt suffocated in there, my heart was so constricted, it hurt so much. I told Lucas to give me 15 minutes to use the restroom after he suggested we go tell our parents the news. I just couldn't stay in that room so long, I wanted to break down and I couldn't break down in front of him, I couldn't let him have the pleasure of seeing me weak.

I left the tap running to mute my sobs and slid down the door immediately I got into the restroom. This was just too much to comprehend, one minute i felt like I was actually making the right decision getting married to Lucas and I was actually happy and the next minute I figured out that he didn't feel the same way and that i'lld have to give him a child within the first year of our marriage. I mean who does that.

I was so angry when I saw the contents of the contract. It stated that;

- I wasn't to have any outside relationships after we've gotten married (I can't believe he'd think I'll cheat, no matter how much of a jerk he was)

- I wasn't going to interfere with his personal life(likewise)

- I was to conceive his heir within the first two years of our marriage (that one got me really angry. What did he see me as? A breeding cow?)

- any termination of contract will result in my dad's company going bankrupt(this one was added after he told me about the money dad was owing)

I didn't know what to think about it or what to do. Should I go tell Dad about it and hopefully find another way to settle the payment or should I go agreeing to his terms? But does it matter anymore now?, I've already signed the document.

I stood up from the floor going to wash my face. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked horrible, the eyeliner had smeared all over my eyes. I washed off the makeup, cleaning my face and going ahead to reapply the makeup. Don't ask me why I have a makeup set in my bag because which girl doesn't. It was just eye pencil, lip liner and lipgloss. I wasn't a fan of heavy makeup. I did a once over in front of the mirror before leaving the bathroom.

On my way downstairs, I heard some noise coming from a room, the door was slightly ajar and I couldn't help my curiosity but peep in. It was Emilia's room, she sat in front of her vanity doing her makeup, well it looked like she was trying to do her makeup because her face was all caked up in colours, I almost started to laugh, it looked like she hadn't done her makeup before or she was still learning.

She looked into the mirror and I was caught like a deer in headlight. I could see she was visibly shocked to see me. I didn't pretend not to see anything and instead stepped instead because I genuinely wanted to talk to her.

"What are you doing here and who let you in?", She angrily said once I came in making sure I actually closed the door this time.

"This wasn't exactly done secretly", I laughed.

"So what now? You're going to tell my mum?", She said crossing her arms. Teenager really?, She looks more like a little lady.

"No I'm not. I'm here to help"

"I don't need your help", she looked away.

"It doesn't seem like that", I pointed at her face coming closer. "I promise not to tell your mom if you let me help you out. Agreed?"

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