Chapter 11

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Lucas POV

"Bro what's wrong with you. You've been acting strange", Carlos asked with raised brows. I had been thinking about her. Just drowning myself in some whiskey. I wasn't drunk though. I had a high alcohol tolerance.

"It's nothing", I brushed him off. "I need to use the rest room", I knew Carlos, he wasn't done with this topic. He'll keep on pushing it.

I went out of the bar through the back, I needed some air. I lit a cigarette from the pack. I needed to let off some steam. I let out a puff, the clowdy mist mixing with the wind. I wish I could be that free.

I turned to go back inside after a while when I heard some chattering from the corner. I was going to ignore them until one of them said something that caught my attention. 'the lady in red'. Of course, there could have been many ladies in red tonight. Not just her, right?

My curiosity got the best of me as I eavesdropped on their conversation. "Did you make sure she drank all of it?", the person's back was facing me so I couldn't see his face but I recognized the guy he was talking to as the bartender.

"Yes, she finished the whole glass", the bartender replied. What were they scheming?

"Good job.", The guy gave the bartender a ward of cash after which he left. "The pills should kick in soon. She'll pay for embarrassing me"

I was lost in thoughts for a while, I didn't know when they left. I went back to the VIP lounge, still in thoughts, Carlos was still there with some whores around him. "Leave now, get lost", I didn't let them talk, the angry look on my face made them scram.

"Heyyyy, what was that man. You just chased away my fun", Carlos held a confused expression. I was never in support of his whoring behavior but I had stopped trying to convince him after a while. He was probably shocked by my behavior right now but I didn't care. There was a more unsettling feeling in my gut.

"Do you have a CCTV camera in the main bar?"

"Yes I do. Why?", He was more confused now.

"I'lld like to see it"

"Is anything wrong?", His expression was serious now.

"I hope not", was my short reply as he guided me to the camera room. The personnel greeted us as we came in.

"Show me the footage of the main bar from 30 minutes ago", He started working on it and was quick to show me. I had him zoom to the bar area. There was only one lady on red there. My mystery girl. I watched as the bartender added a substance to her drink as she was distractedly looking towards the crowd. I watched as she gulped down the whole glass content, after which she stood up to leave.

"Shit. Where did she go from there?"

"The direction she was headed led towards the hallway leading outside", I was out as soon as he said that, Carlos shouting something after me but I was in a rush.

I ran out through the back door, I looked around there, towards the direction of the main door but there was no one there, it was almost sunrise and people had stopped coming so even the bouncer wasn't there. I decided to go through the front to trace her steps. I heard a faint whimper in the far end followed by laughter.

As I got closer, I saw her. Two guys holding her down while another one was in front of her, her dress was torn. I was boiling with anger by now, how dare those bastards.

Rushing towards them, I was quick to pull the first guy away from her, punching him square in the face. That took him down considering he was already really drunk. I turned back as the other two matched towards me.

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