Chapter 10

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Amaya's POV

I was already exhausted by now. I sat at the bar bored out of my mind. Ria seemed to be enjoying herself. She was dancing with another guy now. I texted her that I was going home and that I'll take a taxi. I gulped down the rest of my drink after paying for it then I stood up to leave.

I wasn't too drunk luckily so I was able to move through the bar in one piece. However as I was getting closer to the dark hallway that led outside, I started to feel really hot inside. It was like my insides were on fire and I was craving some kind of relief.

I was sweating intensely as I tried fanning myself with my hand but nothing seemed to work. It just wouldn't stop. My vision was becoming blurry as I staggered through the hallway leaning on the wall for support.

"Hey beautiful, you look like you're in trouble. Need some help?", I looked towards the source of the voice to see the drunk guy from earlier. He wasn't alone this time, he was with two other guys. He had this dangerous glint in his eyes. Does he have a hand in what's going on with me?

I tried moving farther away from them but I was weak and they were faster than me, reaching where I stood in a matter of seconds.

"Where do you think you're headed, the party isn't over yet", the drunk guy from earlier held me back with a smirk. "You really embarrassed me back there you know, my my you're strong, my hand still hurts. Why don't I pay you back the favour", He dragged my hand making me stagger and almost fall if not that he caught me.

"Easy there, we wouldn't anything to happen to you before the party starts", he laughed along with his friends. Something in his voice made me think that it wasn't this party he was referring to.

I tried dragging my hand from his grasp to escape but I couldn't. "Leave me"

"What happened tiger, not so fierce now, are we?", He laughed, the stench of his breath making me more uncomfortable. I needed to get away from here. I used the last of my strength to kick him in the balls as I tried to run, but I was too slow and his two friends caught up with me as they dragged me back.

"Bitch", he spat as he slapped me after he got himself. "I was going to have some fun first but you asked for it. Hold her boys", they held me down as he stepped towards me tearing my gown from the hand. My bra was exposed to him now and I was glad now that I didn't go with rias idea and decided to wear it.

I was so weak now that I couldn't even hear my voice. "No please, don't do this", 'help somebody, please help me', I prayed to God that somebody would hear me, anybody. I was slowly loosing consciousness. I was too weak to struggle or fight anymore. Was this the end for me?

I felt a gush of wind in front of me, opening my eyes to vaguely see the drunk guy on the floor. The two beside me left me as I fell to the floor. The person that pushed the drunk guy off me punched him and beat up his friends too I guess, I was barely conscious to see, I vaguely saw two extra figures but maybe it was the drinks kicking in. I struggled to stay awake as he came towards me.

"Stay with me. Can you keep your eyes open"

I tried to keep my eyes open but I was too tired. "I'm so hot", I rasped out, trying to peel  my cloth off. I needed air.

"Shit, she was drugged. Those fuckers", he tried moving my hands away from my body. But I needed some relief, I needed the clothes off. He removed his jacket placing it over me. Why was he covering me up, I needed the clothes off.

Drugged?. No wonder I felt funny. I looked up at his face. My blurry vision not able to see him clearly. Those grey eyes, why do they seem oddly familiar. Those were my last thoughts before I passed out.

690 words

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