Chapter 9

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    Lucas POV

    I pulled up at the club. Club Gold was one of the most popular clubs in New Zealand and it happened to be owned by my stupid best friend Carlos Garcia. I wasn't a club person. I didn't like the crowd, that's why I had a bar in my apartment and office. Speaking of apartment, I'll have to upgrade things since i was soon going to be a family man. What a hassle.

    I was ushered in through the VIP door, that section was less crowded than the main bar which I was so grateful for. I met Carlos in his office, a whore on his lap.

    "Lucas bro, what a pleasant surprise. Never thought I would see the day when you step foot into my club", he signaled the girl to leave, she stood up to leave, not before giving me flirty looks.

    I sat down on the chair opposite his table, crossing my leg. "You know I didn't come here for formalities, let's cut to the chase, did you find him?"

    "Typical Lucas, straight to business. Hello to you too. Well to answer your question, I did. The sucker wasn't that hard to find. He was enjoying himself at the VIP lounge with some ladies. He was already wasted when we saw him.", Carlos was in charge of every illegal business I had. I hate getting my hands dirty but he had no problem doing so.

    Carlos and I met in the university. He was what you'd call a bad boy. He was that boy your parents will tell you to stay away from. He was a ladies man and I was that class nerd that the teacher's liked. We were opposites but we both had something in common, our knowledge of business.

    He wanted to own a chain of clubs and i wanted to own a chain of hotels. We worked well together in that aspect. I was the one in the spotlight while he was in the back. Carlos was a jerk but he was a reliable friend.

    His business face was on now. "What did he do?"

    "We suspect that he leaked some of our business investment to one of our rivals"


    "We don't know yet"

    "Has anything happened lately?, Anything to give off information about who he sold them too?", Carlos asked as he stood up from his chair.

    "Not yet, I don't think he was able to get something very useful yet", I stood up following him out of his office.

    "Well we better stop that from happening then", we went down to the basement of the club where the leach, I presume his name was Charles, was held captive.

    The guards at the door nodded as they opened up the door. He was brutally beaten up and tied to a chair, he was unconscious. Carlos poured him a bucket of water to wake him up. It contained some antiseptic, just so it burned.

    The poor guy was startled awake by the cold and burn, he hissed. His face changed from that of surprise to fear when he saw me.

    "I guess there's no need for introductions then because it seems you know me", I sat at the far end of the room. I didn't want to get my hands dirty.

    "So you know why you're here, I would ask that you start answering my questions now before my friend here completely breaks your bones, we wouldn't want your wife not to recognize you now, would we?", There was a smirk on my face as his expression changed, I knew I had hit a nerve with the mention of his wife.

    "I know right now she's currently at her parents, they are the ones funding you right. I wonder what will happen when I send them this pictures of you having fun at the club with those whores. I won't need to break your bones because I'm pretty sure they'll do it themselves", I knew how to get my answers without getting violent. I did my research, Charles was living off his wife's family who were rich. Apparently their daughter was head over heels with him and they had to accept him out of love for their daughter. He was scared of them.

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