"Kid, you have three god damn shirts that are all pretty worn down. For fucks sake kid, one of them has a hole in it. We're getting you clothes." His eyes widen and his head shoots up.

"S-seriously, I don't need any! I don't want to be a burden." He says his final sentence in a quieter tone than the rest, but I still manage to hear it.

"Kid, you're not a burden! We like having you here, we care about you, you're our son for crying out loud! Just let us help you." His facial expressions change throughout my spiel. He looked as if he was going through the five stages of grief right then and there; he looked doubtful when I told him he wasn't a burden and how we didn't mind having him here. He smiled when I told him we cared about him and that he's our son. When I got to my final sentiment, he seemed to give into something and then tug it back up from the trenches of his brain. He sighs and bends down to his backpack. He arises perfectly from a lunging position with a wallet in his hands. I sigh and chuckle. There is no way he's going to give me money. Hell no.

"H-here, I don't need anything. It's just f-for being a bit of a burden recently!" A meek smile flashed itself on his face.

"Kid, put the wallet down. You do not need to pay anyone to stay here. You are our family; not just a house guest. We're getting you clothes, just a shirt or two and a couple pairs of pants. It'll only be like, twenty five dollars." He tears up and then jumps forward onto me. I appreciate the sudden burst of affection, but the reason why is the root of my concern.

"You really, really don't need to. I don't want you spending all that money on me." A small smile appears on my face as I hug back.

"Well, you need it." He sniffles. I feel several teardrops drop onto my shoulder.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." All I do in response is continue to hug him. I make sure to avoid certain areas while hugging him, but nevertheless, bear hug him. He smiles. Within a few minutes I hear light and gentle snoring. I smile to myself and lie him down. I walk out, but not before shutting off the lights.

I walk downstairs to be greeted with a cup of coffee and paperwork from the school. I thank Hizashi for the coffee and paperwork. I find a spot on the couch and quickly skim over the text and sign it off. I finish the pamphlet in around ten to fifteen minutes. My arms stretch upwards as I yawn, releasing the tension built up in my back. I look towards my husband who's finishing up around the same time as me.

"We need to get Izuku some clothes." I say as my arms drop back down into my lap with a thud and a sigh.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Doesn't he only have, like, four shirts?" My husband inquires.

"Three. And one has a hole in it." His eyebrows raise and he nods. Anger and exhaustion build up my need to sleep. I immediately yawn again. I get up and grab more coffee. My husband drinks his cup of tea. I never quite understood tea drinkers. I head back to the living room to see my husband curled up, enticed by some show he found while clicking through the channels.

"What's happening?" I ask. I take up a seat next to him. He shushes me and holds up one finger as to signify me to be quiet for one moment. As soon as an ad break comes up he turns to me and spills about the television show. I nod along to his jumble of words.

"Nice.. I'm headed to bed." I announce as I stand up. I head upstairs and crawl in, only to be joined by a blonde, five minutes after.

-The next morning.-

I wake up and rub my eyes. I look over at the clock. '10:32'

I look over to Hizashi and take note of him still sleeping. I get up and out of bed. I head downstairs. I grab some coffee. Once I down the cup, I head upstairs and check on Izuku. I knock on the door lightly.

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