Chapter 3

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        I sat on the couch thinking about what Ezio said and the others agreed about what he said is true and even showed me a history book about what happened during the way and that the Allies did win the war and I'm glad that my country joined them instead of the Axis. There's also something that I noticed as well but not saying anything to these people, mostly there's no way that I trust them that easily, but I noticed that the books says nothing about them only people that runs the country along with the citizens that lives in that country but nothing also and that doesn't sound right to me.

        A cup was given to me making me snap out of my thoughts to look up and see Arno giving it to me so I nodded a small thanks before gently taking the cup and drink it slowly.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I could hear his French accent in his voice clearly laced with worry.

"Yes I'll be fine just need to take in this information...." I said after drinking and looking at the cup.

        It's hard to wrap my head around it on how exactly it happened but I do know that it was those people's fault that brought me here so there's a way that I can go back but it's going to take time to get all the info I need but right now rest is the main priority until I'm fully healed then I'll get to work but mostly I need to get to know these people as they did helped me and they might be able to help me get back to my own time some how.

"Star, can I ask you a question?" Arno asked and I look to him to give my full attention.

"Why are you wearing a blindfold and what does the stars mean?" He asked and it's an innocent answer so I don't mind answering it.

"It belonged to my mother along with the necklace so it's the only two things that I have left of her and the five black stars, I have no clue as she never told me." I answered which was true but the stars have a meaning behind them that I don't want to tell.

"How can you see with that on?" He asked again.

"The cloth is thin enough for me to see through it." I answered honestly then I asked him a question, "Why did all of you looked pissed when I said that I'm from 1943?" I asked because I did managed to catch it even though it was only for a second and it wasn't at me but someone else thought but who?

"Well..." Arno said unsure to tell me or not.

"That's because we're not from this era and the ones that brought us here isn't good people." A males' voice said on the other side of me so I looked over to see Malik with a few more history books in his one arm before putting them on the table and sit down across from us.

"You mean the ones that shot at me?" I asked still confused but listened closely.

"Yes they're the ones that brought us to the future but my guess you came from the building itself unlike us who appeared in this house a year ago." Malik said and I knew that there's more because I'm missing one thing but not going to ask that though, yet.

"What years are all of you from?" I ended up asking instead.

"Altair and I came from the Middle Ages, Ezio from the Renaissance, Edward 18th century during the Pirate Era. Haytham, Shay, and Connor lived through the Revolutionary war but Shy wasn't a part of it while Jacob, Evie, and Henry came from the Victorian era, then lastly Arno is from the French Revolution." He explained and it shocked me to no end after hearing all of that but I now know that they're all like me, taken from their homes.

"Who were those people that brought us here?" I asked and see Malik was about to answer but stopped.

"Just some bad people that you shouldn't mess with now let's get you caught up in history since you're going to be stuck here with us for a while." He said then quickly changed the conversation.

      I listened to what he said since he's going over what happened during the Second War but while he was talking I thanked about what he said 'stuck here' meaning that they're looking for a way back home or that they found a way but can't because of those people and just waiting for the right chance to leave.


         Days went by and I've been resting while also learning history, getting to know my new house mates, and learning how to work some of these weird electronics as there's a lot that are the same like the lights and stove for example but when I saw the T.V. For the first time I almost threw something and almost broke it if Edward didn't stop me and explained what it was so it became my entertainment but I mostly stuck with books and the radio, once I realized what it looks like, for any news and it's nice that there's no wars anymore.

       As for the wounds they're healed but I'm still taking it easy for the time being as my stomach still hurts from doing any quick movements. Everyone here is friendly but Altair seems to be keeping his distance while Connor is more of a shy type so it's hard to get to know them but just need some time and I'm sure they'll come around.

        Right now I'm enjoying the fresh air and just sat in the soft grass as a soft breeze is blowing making everything calm and soothing but I could also hear new animals moving around and it is spring but it's nice though especially when there's no gunshots in the distance with people dying and death hanging in the air so this is a nice change for once and I want to enjoy it as long as I can.

         Looking up at the sky to only see clear blue with no clouds in it and it's making me wish that I could fly I. It again but I need to heal first before even stepping back into a plane again and this time I won't be in a dogfight just to get to a destination and have to fight for my life but I did become an Ace with 20 kills from the planes I shot down since 5 kills makes you an Ace but one thing for sure no one can ever beat the Red Baron.

"You need rest." A males' voice could be heard behind me.

      Turning to look to see who it is and sees that it's Altair to which surprised me but I went back to looking at the forest again, since looking up is starting to hurt my neck.

"I just needed some fresh air and I hate being inside all the time." I said honestly and I heard him stand next to me but at a good distance though.

"How many languages do you know?" He asked even though it sounded like a demand.

        I smiled softly knowing that question would come up sooner or later since I spoke in Italian to Ezio, French to Arno, and even Welsh to Edward. I also spoke to Henry in his native language, India, because I had a question for him and he wasn't paying attention until I spoke but his face was priceless though when he realized what just happened.

"אני מכיר יותר מדי. (I know too many)" I said in Hebrew and watched him stiffen up a bit but said nothing.

"Who are you really?" He asked and even though his voice sounded cold he was really curious.

"I'm just a soldier fighting a war to protect the innocent and my people from the Axis Powers." I said honestly before laying on the grass and looking up at the blue sky and see a few birds flying by.

"Where did you get the necklace from?" He asked again.

"Well aren't you so talkative today." I giggled teasing him a little but all I heard was silence from him so I sighed and told him, "My mother gave it to me before she died saying something about 'wishing to see the brother hood one last time' so I guess her brothers gave it to her before she left home to marry my dad."

       Altair stayed quiet then I saw him leave from the corner of my eye and back into the house, I know that he's telling the others what I just said but I honestly don't care as I need them to trust me so I won't be kicked out even though I doubt it would happen from how well they treat me but old habits die hard; especially with my past.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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