Chapter 1

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      The rain is starting to lighten up as the thunder and lightning is now far in the distance as the dark clothed hooded figure walked through the forest but it's hard to do so as it's still dark out and have no clue what time it is and couldn't look at the sky to look at the moon as the clouds are still dark and covering up any light from the moon and stars.

      They walked, more like stumbled, through the forest with the hand gun in their right hand while holding a bullet wound from the stomach with the left one, as they honestly look like hell but after what they've been through it's understandable. Soon they see a house up ahead but confused on why this deep in the forest so they put the hand gun away and carefully went up to the house and peeked around the corners of the window to look inside trying to find their allies.

    The lights are still on in the house as yelling could be heard and looks like two siblings are fighting over something petty, it wasn't hard to figure out that they're siblings because they look alike even though one is a man and the other a woman. They also kept throwing insult at each other that the person never heard of except from the British, that they at least know of, then heard a few more people speaking in perfect English or has some kind of accent but not the ones from their enemies so they slowly stand up and went to the door before knocking on it while inside the home went deathly quiet.

      Inside the home one of the assassins from the past grabbed their old gun, a gunpowder pistol, as the once templar grandmaster grabbed the door handle and his friend, once assassin now templar, is right behind him ready to protect his friend; the door opened to reveal a dark clothed hooded person holding onto their stomach with blood leaking through their fingers.

"Please.... Help me-" the hooded person asked in a strange accent that no one ever heard of before they started to fall forward.

      The templar that opened the door caught the person before they could hit the floor and then put their arm over his shoulder as an assassin with blonde hair and blue eyes came over and helped the templar as they both gently put the hooded figure on the couch while the assassins that know some kind of medical skill got the supplies and went to the couch quickly while the others left the room to let them work.

       There are three people that are treating the hooded person; one man that only has one arm; a tall man with dark tan skin, black hair and brown eyes then the only woman in the house. All of them are being careful as they did they were all shocked to see that their person is a female and just made the two males job a lot harder as they don't want to undress her more, even though they only took the jacket off.

"Don't worry you two, I'll patch her up." The woman said.

"You sure Evie? We'll still help in some way." The tall man asked/said.

"I'm sure Conner, now you and Malik go and make sure that the others won't look." Evie said then watched the two men nod then leave as she gets to work on patching this poor girl up.

     Malik and Conner went to the other men who look confused on why they're there until Malik explained that the hooded person understood and not go into the living room but they do wish that the assassins of this time was here to help though, but just glad that Evie is here though.

       Hours went by until Evie went into the dinning room, that the men went into to wait, to see that they all looked at her waiting for some kind of news but mostly wanting to know if they helped an assassin or a templar.

"She's out of danger for now but she looks like she's been through real hell though from all the new injuries and old ones as well, also she's part of the creed." She said then holds up a purple gem necklace but inside the gem is the assassin's creed sign to show that she's a friend and can be trusted.

      Everyone is relieved to hear that even the only two templars because during their time they believed in their cause but in this day and age is now just horrid to know what they're doing to people that's not with them but glad that the assassins of this time understood and let them stay and taught them history to catch up on what happened since they died.

"Now we just need to find out what her name is but more importantly what happened to her for her to be this badly injured." The templar said, Haytham, as he basically asked the question that everyone has been thinking.

       In the end they all basically agreed to wait until the woman is awake so they put her in Evie's room for the time being and as for the weapons that she had they put it in a different room for safety just in case because they noticed that these weapons aren't the same ones as theirs or todays so there's a chance that she came from the past as well but what year? But mostly what kind of country has that kind of flag and why is she wearing them on her sleeves? There's more questions than answers that the woman needs to answer once she wakes up.

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