"All right, then we're good to go," Captain said, and turned to Keita, who had followed us outside. "Stay on Michael's tail. Don't let him leave until we're done with our meeting. I'll send you a message once we're heading back."

"Yes, sir," Keita said.

We left after that and arrived at the base half an hour later. The meeting was held in a different facility this time, and I didn't recognize the place. I'd never been to this part of the base before. It was close to the jail, and it was a small, unmarked building with only two floors among several other similar buildings behind the main facility.

Captain parked his Jeep close to the entrance and ushered us out, then straight into the building. We entered a small hallway, and Captain led us straight to the other end to a large door. He knocked, and the door was immediately opened. The guy behind it was wearing the prison guard's uniform, and when he stepped aside, greeting us politely, I spotted three more guards in the large room. And Thomas Auburn.

He was handcuffed, but instead of wearing the inmate's clothes, he now had regular clothes on. His appearance was much cleaner now, too. He sat at the end of a long table with plenty of chairs around it, and a notebook on the table in front of him. His attitude seemed to have changed, since he gave Captain a slightly nervous look. His hostility was gone.

"Thomas," Captain said and took a seat closest to him, while the rest of us took our places around him. "How have you been?"

Thomas shrugged. "Just peachy."

"I hope your new accommodations are suiting your needs?"

Thomas nodded. "It's fine. I mean... I hate the new cell, but... That may be because it's better than my home..."

Captain hummed. "Life of a terrorist isn't paying too well, huh?"

Thomas shook his head with a hint of pain in his eyes. "But I'm not one anymore."

Captain smiled at him. "Keep it that way."

"Yes, sir," Thomas said quietly, then pushed his notebook closer to him. "I've tried to write down everything you asked for. Every little detail, just like you asked. It's not in any particular order though."

"We'll make sense of it," Captain said.

"Good. It should help. It better help, because my wrist is fucked..." Thomas said quietly, peering at the notebook.

"I'm sure it will," Captain said, and took the notebook. He briefly leafed it through before turning back to Thomas. "You've been very busy, I see."

I didn't see much behind Captain's shoulder, but I heard him flipping through a lot of pages.

"I've been with them for almost a year. And I've paid attention," Thomas said shortly. "So. The omega slaves? What are you going to do about them?"

"Let's wait for General Gray before we get to that, but I can assure you, our teams are working hard to rescue them. We already have several plans to choose from, but as you said it yourself, we must proceed with caution. We must be absolutely sure we can get them all out of there alive," Captain told him.

Thomas nodded. "And... I suppose you don't have any news about my friends?"

"Nothing so far, and I've paid attention," Captain said. "I could easily find them, but I haven't tracked them down as per your request."

"And why would you listen to a terrorist?" Thomas asked.

"Because of this," Captain said, and dropped the notebook on the table. "I wouldn't want to upset the person who is willingly aiding us, especially now that we have at least thirty innocent lives at stake."

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