An old enemy

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I wake up at about eight in the morning, get dressed, and head onto the deck, the events of last night on constant replay in my mind. A strong breeze ruffles my hair and skirt as I casually twirl a kunai between my hands, the blade making a whoosh sound as it spins around my fingers. As the kiss replays in my mind, footsteps come up behind me, and strong arms pull me into a hug from behind.

"Morning, beautiful." Sanji says.

I go red, but I can't hide a smile. "Morning."

"Last night was nice. Really nice." he says with a sweet smile.

"Agreed." I say, kissing him.

This time, he's less suprised, and he pulls me closer, kissing me harder, lips soft, but firm against mine. We kiss until we can't breathe any longer and reluctantly break the kiss.

"So that's why you're both up early." Percy says with a yawn, coming onto the deck.

I go red. "So what?"

"Nothing. You guys make a cute couple." he replies, smiling. 

"Well, Chase is the cute part of it." Sanji says, pulling me into another hug from behind.

"From beautiful to cute? What can I do to regain points?" I tease gently.

Sanji laughs and kisses me. "Points reagained."

I'm about to kiss him again, but I see a familar ship in the distance and me heart drops into my high-heeled boots.

Percy gasps. "It-it can't b-be..."

I'm shaking, years of trauma resurfacing. "Z-zephyr's here."

Sanji holds me closer, but even Sanji's strong arms can't comfort me enough for this. Our old tormentor is back. The one who killed Will. And a sexual predator. His favorite toy? Me. 

"Ohhhh god. What the hell do we do?" Percy says. 

My mind is racing, trying to find every way out of this situation. But I know, there's none. You can't escape Zephyr. Percy and I... we found that out the hard way. Percy's hand goes to his left shouder, where a thin, jagged scar will never let him forget what happened to us. Me... I didn't get a scar, or a tattoo, Zephyr was always too busy sexualy tormenting us, or rather, me, to bother doing that. And he didn't want a mark on his perfect toy. I think, rage and fear flooding my body. Mostly fear though. Percy knows why he's here. For me. He's still mad we escaped. 

"Umm... hope he doesn't see us?" I say, a little sarcastically. "Why are you asking me?!" 

"I don't know." Percy admits. "For once, I don't know."

Sanji's thinking, eyes slightly narrowed in thought. "Down deck, maybe?"

Percy shakes his head. "Not unless you want him blowing up the ship trying to find us."

Sanji looks bewildered. "What the hell does he want with you anyway?"

Percy sighs. "Long story. Really, he wants Chase more than me, he's just pissed I escaped too."

Sanji turns to me. "Chase?"

"Long story. I also just wanna get the fuck away from Zephyr. As far as possible." I admit. 

Sanji smiles, although I can tell he's nervous. "Don't worry. It'll be fine. I think."

"It's Zephyr. It can't ever be fine." Percy mutters. 

Luffy comes on deck. "What's that boat in the distance?"

"A bad one." I say. 

"Yeah, we need to go in the other direction. Fast. Really fucking fast." Percy says. 

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