Belial, the Demon King

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We head up the path, made of cobblestones put together roughly. Whoever or whatever put this path together certainly wasn't a good paver. There's moss growing between the cracks, sprinkling the dismal gray path with splashes of emerald green. It's oddly normal for a path to a damn demon castle.

Percy shivers beside me. "Holy shit, it's cold."

A frigid gust of wind hits us, and I shiver. "Of all the days to wear a damn tank top."

"Well, we thought it was a tropical island." Percy points out.

"It is a tropical island." Nami corrects him.

"Tell that to my arms and legs. I'm so cold I'm getting goose bumps!" Percy complains.

"It's the demons changing the temprature, the island is tropical." Nami says, a hint of irritation in her tone.

"Demons like heat though, it makes no sense." Percy says, shivering again.

"Let's look on the bright side, maybe the castle's warm." I say.

"In that case, race you there!" Percy yells, taking off.

I curse and run after him. "Hey! You have to give me a better warning, jackass!"

"Guys! Wait up!" Luffy calls, racing after us.

I overtake Percy easily and get to the castle a minute before him, panting from running at a full sprint. When he finally gets there, I give him a teasing smile. "Took you long enough."

"Damn you." he replies, heaving for air.

"Hey, it was your idea to race me jackass! You shouldn't have started the race, after all, you know you've never beaten me." I reply.

Luffy and the others run up. "Damn, you're fast Chase." Luffy says.

"Yeah, I almost broke a sweat." Zoro says.

I ignore them and turn to the doors, but I can't hide a smile. These, luckily, are easier than the Gates of Blood, as we started calling them. 

"Alright, let's pay whoever this is a visit." I say, pushing open the doors. 

They open with a loud bang that echoes throughout long halls and corridors, startling me. I step cautiously inside, uneasily wary tha the floor creaks at every step. Percy follows me, cursing as he makes a ton of creaks. 

"Why do I feel like this place is abandoned?" Zoro says as the rest come in with a symphony of creaks.

He's right. The only heartbeats I hear are ours. Sanji's going paticularily fast. I draw my trident and study the room in its soft glow.

"I don't see anyth-" Sanji starts to say.

The floor opens up beneath him, a trapdoor, and he falls.

 "SANJI!!" Percy and I yell. 

We're the only ones who saw, but at our cry, Luffy runs over.

"Why is the floor open, and where's Sanji?" he asks.

"Down here! I think I found something!" Sanji calls up.

"Oh my god, Sanji, are you okay?!" I call back.

"I'm okay, thank you. It's not far, jump, I'll catch you." he replies.

"Jump?! Are you crazy?!" Usopp says.

"Oh, shut up, you'll be fine." Sanji replies impatiently.

Luffy shrugs and jumps, followed closely by Zoro.

"Wait for me!" Usopp calls. 

He jumps, and the others aren't far behind. I jump, and quickly get caught by Sanji.

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