The only survivor

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We head into the town, the sounds of boots on the rough path seeming to echo through the dusty air. It's so dusty I end up sneezing, as well as Percy.

"Why is it so damn dusty?" he complains.

Suddenly, I hear a heartbeat that's not from the others. It's up ahead, and slower than a human heartbeat. It certainly can't be Sanji's, that's for sure. His heart goes so fast sometimes, it makes me worried it might explode. I stop, wondering if maybe, just maybe, I imagined it. Then I hear another, fully human heartbeat. Faint, but it's there. I take off running, following the sound of the heartbeat, and, now that I'm closer, crying.

"Chase! Where are you going?" Sanji calls.

Ignoring him, I run faster, and stop in front of a wreck of a house. The crying and heartbeat is coming from inside. I quietly walk up the steps, my boots thudding against the warped wood. I run a finger along one of the steps, and it comes off bloody. I don't think these steps warped because of water. The crying stops as my presence is known. I carefully open the door, wincing as it creaks omniously. My footsteps echo in the hall as I walk down the corridor. I locate the sound of terrified breathing and step into the room. A little girl, about ten years old, is sitting on the bed, covered in blood. She looks up at me, brown eyes wide in terror. Her hair is firey red, as if the spirit of fire itself resides in her hair.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm here to help." I say, my voice gentle. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"Chase! Get your damn ass here now!" I hear Percy yelling. 

I ignore him and wait for a responce from the girl.

"T-the demons came and killed everyone. I'm the only survivor. They killed my parents." she says in a timid voice.

I pull her gently into a hug, and she tenses, but when she sees I mean no harm, she sobs into my shoulder, just as Percy did just a mere couple hours ago. 

"My name's Chase. What's your name?" I ask. It's probably best to stick to basic questions.

"Ember." she replies.

"Ember? That's a beautiful name." I say.

"Alright, that's it. I'm coming in." Percy calls.

"I'll be out in a minute, keep your damn pants on!" I call back.

He's silent, but I don't hear approaching steps, so he must've listened.

"Hey, grab anything you need, okay?" I say the the girl, kneeling to her height.

"W-why?" she asks, voice trembling.

She looks so much like me. Little me. When I was eight and scared of my father.

"I'm going to take you to a bunch of sweet people who'll make sure you're okay." I explain.

"CHASE!!!!" Percy's livid. 

"I'm fine." Ember says, but she winces when she moves.

"Oh really? That shoulder wound looks painful." I say. "I know a great doctor, he can help."

"Why should I believe you?" she demands. 

"See these?" I point to the bandages still around my injured leg. "He fixed this for me."

"How did you cut your leg open?" she asks, now curious.

"I fell really hard on some serrated metal. But that's not important right now. Your safety is." I reply firmly, but still making sure my voice is gentle.

She nods and grabs a bag, stuffing it with clothes. When she's done, she turns to me.

"Ready?" I ask.

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