Ah, shit. Another interrogation.

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As we walk back to the ship, I feel a tingling sensation on my neck and realise that Sanji is looking at me.  I meet his gaze and, to my suprise, there's still symapthy in his gaze. As well as sympathy there's... wait, am I imagining this? Is there love in his gaze? No, my brain is messing with me or something. I feel my pulse quicken and look down, breaking eye contact. After a minute or two of silence, I decide to say something. 

"So, what are you going to do with me anyway?"

"Like we're going to tell you." Zoro scoffs.

"Why? You scared? Don't worry, my hands are tied, so I'm sure you'll be fine." I reply with a sweet smile. He's silent, but I can tell I've pissed him off. He deserves it, after getting me captured. A faint smile flashes across Sanji's face for a second, before diassapearing. He might be on my side, but if he's not I could burn the ropes with dark magic, but with 3 of them, well 2 of them I guess because Sanji won't hurt a woman, I'll just end up in an even shittier situation. So I'll wait. How will I play this? The problem is, Luffy's a wild card, and what he says goes. I have to play this smart, otherwise I'll be in trouble faster than I can say Atlantis. Well, at least I'm good at sweet talking my way out of tricky situations.  After what seems like forever, we finally get to the ship.  

"There you are! " Nami says. "Did you have any trouble?"

"No, she was quite easy to capture." Zoro replies.

"In case you didn't notice, I did not try to fight. If I did, you wouldn't think I'm so easy to capture." I say. 

"Oh, yeah? Why didn't you fight?" he retorts.

I have to smile as I say ,"Well, maybe I was curious to see what you did with me if I didn't harm you. Or maybe not. I guess you'll just have to find out."

Sanji smiles. Luffy looks suprised and a little thoughtful. Zoro, on the other hand, well, I think I pissed him off even more. Oh well. He'll only act on Luffy's command.  

"Look, we have some questions and we want honest answers." Luffy says.

"Or what?" I reply, curious.

"You don't want to find out."

Okay then. That's... great. Suddenly I'm feeling a little less curious.

"How will you know if I'm telling the truth?" I ask.

Luffy nods to Zoro and he puts a sword to my throat. Oh, that's how. It works, I have to give them that.  

"So,  what's your name, age, and powers?" Luffy immeadiatly asks.

"Getting straight to the point I see. My name is Chase, I'm 18 years old, and my powers are water manipulation, breathing underwater, the ablility to talk to and understand sea creatures, and dark magic as well as some basic magic." I reply.  

"Do you have a bounty?" Zoro asks.

"Yes, I do. 400,000 berries to be exact." I reply evenly. 

"How do you have a bounty? You're a bounty hunter." he says, pressing his sword closer to my throat, the metal cold against my skin. 

"Why? Because even though I love fucking up Marine plans just to piss them off, they can't afford to lose me. They're just waiting for another bounty hunter to take me out. However, none have managed that yet." I say with a smile. 

"How come? As I already said, you were quite easy to catch." Zoro replies, narrowing his eyes.

"And as I already said, it's because I didn't resist. I let you capture me. I'm not planning to hurt any of you. If you doubt me, then take me down now." I reply, daring him to try it.  I meet his eyes and he looks away, acknowliging that I'm willing to defend myself, but I'm not planning to hurt them. Zoro sighs and walks off the ship, headed towards town. Luffy is silent, thinking. I'm scared, my heart pounding. I hope that he likes me enough not to kill me. At least I don't have Zoro's sword at my throat now.  After a moment, he speaks.

"Sanji, I want to talk to you for a second."

Looking confused, he follows Luffy across the deck. When they're out of normal hearing range, Luffy starts talking to him. Luckily, I can hear them. Years of bounty hunting has improved my hearing far beyond what normal people can hear. The conversation goes something like this:

Sanji: So what did you want to talk to me about?

Luffy: You're the one who captured her. Do you think she's a bad person?

Sanji: No, she's a good person.

Luffy: She's a bounty hunter though!"

Sanji: Yes, but when our eyes met, I saw no malice, no bad intents. Also, in this town, anyone over the age of 13 with powers has to be a bounty hunter or die. I don't think she planned to be a bounty hunter.

Luffy: Okay, but we're being careful.

Sanji: Works for me.

They walk back over, and Luffy pulls out a knife. Did he change his mind? Am I dead after all? With a quick slash, he cuts the ropes tying my hands. He's about to say something, but we hear a massive explosion and turn to see row opon row of buildings collapse, smoke and dust filling the air. What the hell? 

"Where's Zoro?" Luffy asks, realising something.

Of course! Zoro might be behind those explosions. Or worse, the victim of one...

"He left the area, and I think he might be connected in some way to these explosions." I reply.

"So then we have to find him and find out what's going on!" Luffy says.

"Um, Luffy? How are we going to find him when he could be anywhere by now? We know nothing about this town!" Usopp points out. 

"I might know where he might be. If you'd like, I can help you find him." I offer.

Luffy looks at me, suprised. "Really? Thanks!"

"Hold on. What's the catch?" Nami asks suspisiously.

"No catch. Consider it a gift." I reply with a smile. "Your presence here will bring hope to the people of this town, something we thought would never happen."

Luffy nods, and I jump off the ship and take off running towards the explosions. 

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