Getting to Know The Crew

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Percy 's looking around in awe, completely in shock at the sheer strength and beauty of the ship. I can't blame him, it's truly beautiful.  Luffy's saying something, talking so fast, I can't really catch what he's saying, but Percy's nodding as if he knows whatever Luffy's saying.

"You know what he's saying?" I whisper to him, bewildered.

"Well, no, but he doesn't need to know that." he replies with a cheeky grin.

I chuckle, shaking my head. Classic Percy.

Luffy stops and turns to me. "So, what are your powers?"

"I told you earlier." I say gently with a laugh.

He shrugs. "I wasn't paying attention."

I repeat the list of my powers and by the time I'm done, Luffy's looking at me with sparkles in his eyes. "That is so cool!" 

I blush from the praise, something I don't get often. "Oh, thank you."

Percy grins. "Stop under-selling yourself. You forgot to add mind-reading to the list."

"That's because I don't like being able to read minds! You don't want to know the stuff I see and hear by accident sometimes." I reply. 

"Don't go in Sanji's head then." Percy replies with a teasing smile.

"Hey!!" Sanji says. 

Luffy bursts out laughing as Percy and Sanji end up arguing. Oh, god. We've only been here for a couple hours and Percy's already causing mayhem. But I have to laugh as Percy gets a rough kick from Sanji. Nami's had enough and hits them both, causing them to fall to the ground, unconsious. Oof. That's gonna leave a mark. Usopp starts asking me questions, about my powers, my personality, etc. Percy, who just woke up, starts laughing uncontrolably as he sees me get more and more uncomfortable as the questions get more and more personal. When he asks me if I ever had a boyfriend, and if someone's caught my eye, Percy is literally crying with laughter as I'm stuttering, trying to find an answer. Even Nami has to laugh a little, and I eventually give up on miserably trying to answer the question and laugh as well.

"Good to know you don't do well with personal questions." Usopp says with a smile. 

"Yeah, answering questions isn't one of my strengths I guess." I reply with a smile of my own. 

"Well at least you make up for it in other things." Sanji says with a smile that seems to light up the deck.

"What other things?" Percy says, a warning tone to his voice.

"Her personality, what else?" Sanji replies calmly.

"Lucky save." Percy mutters.

I slip into Sanji's mind, and well, Percy is right. I go red and quickly exit his mind. Percy meets my gaze and stifles a laugh when he realizes that I was in Sanji's mind and saw some... thoughts.  Luckily, I've honed my powers enough to make it unnoticable if I slip into someone's mind unless I mess around with their memories or feelings or something. I pull a kunai out of my belt and absentmindedly start spinning it as I answer an endless stream of questions. Percy's also answering a bunch of questions, but unlike me, he's always been open and willing to share everything. For me, I've always been secluded and have a hard time sharing my feelings. Percy knows that and usually covers for me if I fail to properly say what's really on my mind. 

Finally the questions are over when Zoro says, "Oh, for goodness sake, give them a break.", before downing a bottle of booze.

I breathe a sigh of relief. I was almost to my breaking point of questions.

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