The Start of Something New

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As I'm standing on the deck, with a cool breeze blowing us along, my thoughts keep going back to Sanji. No matter what I'm thinking about, it circles, somehow, back to him. Right now it's on the hug after I defeated Belial. Why that of all things comes to mind, I have no clue. But it's not bad. Kind of nice really. Footsteps come up behind me, and Percy stands beside me. A quick flicker of dissapointment unexpectedly flashes through me. 

"Hey sis. Something on your mind, Blueberry?" Percy asks gently. 

I smile. He hasn't called me Blueberry in a while. "Actually, yes I do, Beast Boy."

"You haven't called me that in years!" he remarks, suprised. 

"Yeah, I know. Figured I'd hit you with a healthy shot of nostalgia." I say, grinning.

"Well it worked. Anyway, what's on your mind?" he replies, emerald green eyes shining with curiosity.

I'm about to reply when a flash of gold catches my eye and I turn to see Sanji heading downstairs. Percy follows my gaze and smiles knowingly. "Or who's on your mind, I should say."

"Huh? Oh, um..." I reply. I got distracted by Sanji. Big time.

Percy grins. "Wow, you're falling for him hard." 

But I know he's trying to be helpful. Joking is how we deal with stuff. Good or bad, it's just how we function. 

"Damn you, how could you tell?" I ask jokingly.

"Well, for someone who knows you like the back of my hand, it's easy to tell. You get a certain sparkle in your eyes whenever you look at him." Percy replies.

I go red. "Oh."

We both hear footsteps and turn.

"There you two are!" Sanji says. "I was looking for you."

Percy saves me from embarrassing myself by quickly saying, "Oh? Why were you looking for us?"

Sanji smiles. "I just wanted to make sure you're both alright after the whole demon thing. Glad neither of you got sick."

Oh yeah! The whole demon sickness! 

"We're okay, thank you." I say with a smile, finally trusting myself to speak. "Are you okay though?"

He nods. "Yeah, but the fight, not being able to see what was happening, let alone help..." 

I pull him into a hug, suprising both myself and him. "It's okay. After all, I'm here, aren't I?"

He goes bright red. "R-right. But I still wish I could've helped."

Percy slips away, sensing something's about to happen.

"I appreciate that, but Sanji... if you helped, you might have gotten hurt, and I wouldn't forgive myself if you got hurt, or worse on my behalf." I reply, pulling him closer.

Despite the cold wind, I feel warmth from his body warming mine as I hold him. He's breathng evenly, but a little heavily, blushing. I feel Percy's gaze on me, silently asking, what are you going to do next, Chase?  He's seeing what I'm doing next. But what does he expect me to do? Discreetly, I splash him with a little water. Confused, he turns to the ocean, where I made the waves spell my question: What the hell do you expect me to do? He grins and mouths, 'kiss him, what else?' Oh. My mind goes blank, and I can just tell Percy's watching more intently now. The thought of actually kissing Sanji... something in me says, why the hell not? while the other part's overthinking everything. As usual. The sun's setting, turning Sanji's hair another shade of gold. What do I listen to? My mind flashes to the hug, the warmth, and the security I felt. My mind made up, I pull him even closer, and, our faces only a few mere inches from each other, I kiss him. A spark ignites inside me, and I know I've made the right choice. He goes and even brighter red, suprised, but he settles into it. After a moment I break the kiss. 

Percy jumps down from where he was on the roof. "Took you two long enough. Chase, did you really have to soak me? I literally just changed!"

I grin. "First of all, shut up. Second, deal with it."

"W-What she said." Sanji adds, bright red and stuttering a little. 

Judging from the look Percy's giving me, my face is bright red as well. I can't believe I just kissed Sanji! 

Percy grins. "Geez, Chase, you haven't been this red in years."

"When was I this red?!" I demand.

"Well, there was one time we got really drunk..." he replies. 

"Ohhhh, yeah, that makes sense. We couldn't have been that drunk though, because you remember what happened." I say.

"You did drink more than me..." he points out.

"You were paying, that's why." I say, grinning.

"Hmmph. Whatever. Point is, you are bright red."

To Sanji, he adds, "I have no idea how you made her fall for you, but nice job. She's harder than most girls."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"You're not exactly vocal with your emotions." he replies. "It's not a bad thing, don't worry." he adds as I shoot him a look.

"I think it's perfectly fine." Sanji says, putting an arm around me.

I flush yet another shade of red.

"Nice! New record for how red you can be." Percy says, smiling.

I roll my eyes. "Oh, shut up Percy."

Sanji smiles. "Do you two always fight this much?"

I smile as well, laughing a little. "Honestly, yeah. This is normal for us."

We all laugh as we realize that it's true. Percy and I just can't stop fighting. 

"Marines! Port side!!" Usopp yells. 

I turn to the port side, and he's right. Several fleets of Marine ships are coming.

"Shit." I mutter. 

"How many ships?" Luffy calls.

"150!!" Usopp screams.

"ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY??!!!" Percy screams.

"This will be fun." I say.

Percy nods. "Let's go."

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