Capture and an odd incounter. Just a normal day!

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I jump down from the roof and run. I can already hear the Strawhats splitting up to hunt me down. I hear footsteps behind me, and take a glance over my shoulder. I see Sanji walking out of an alleyway. Our eyes meet for a second, and I tense to run, breaking eye contact. I'm not risking anything. If I get caught, who knows what will happen? 

" Wait, I won't hurt you, I promise." he says. 

I pause, debating. if he's telling the truth, maybe he can help me. If not, I'll be walking into a trap. I know I said I'm not risking anything, but... if he tries anything I can escape. I always do. Besides, it's easier if my opponent is male. Percy calls the tecnique "Charming" them. I call it using what I have to get out of a shitty situation.  I decide to risk it. Stupid, I know. But I'm curious.  I hesitantly take a step towards him, still tensed to run. 

"I'm assuming you want to talk and not take me to your crew." I say sarcastically. 

He smiles. "Actually, yes I do. you don't seem like the type of person who would want to be  a bounty hunter.  So why are you one?" 

He's sincere, and that catches me off guard. "Are... are you sure?" I ask, unable to keep a nervous tremor out of my voice. 

Damn it! I refuse to show weakness in front of a stranger. 

"I'm positive." he replies with a smile. 

My body automatically relaxes, suprising me. I only auto-relax around people I trust. And I'm not sure I trust Sanji. Yet. 

"So, tell me your story. We have a while."

Wait, what? " What about the others?" I ask, a little confused. 

"Oh, we all went in different directions. I just happened to be the lucky one who found you first." 

I smile. Before I know it I've told him everything. How I hate being a bounty hunter, how Percy and I have always wanted to escape and becom epirates, how we escaped a horrible and abusive childhood. When I meet his eyes again, I see compassion, sympathy, and most startling of all, understanding. He reaches over and gently wipes a tear off my cheek. I didn't even realise I was crying.  He's about to say something when we hear something and turn to see Zoro approaching.  

"So, you got the bounty hunter, you damn cook?" 

 "Yes, I did." Sanji replies.  

He carefully pulls my hands behind my back. When he ties my hands, I can feel that it's loose, and glance over to him, suprised. He winks at me before quickly turning away as Luffy runs over. He's out of breath a little, he must've ran all the way from downtown. We're in the market area, so the air is filled with smells of what people are selling. From the smell, I'd say fish. But then again, Athens isn't really known for it's fish.   "

Awesome!! Which one of you caught her?" Luffy says, looking excited. 

Oh, shit. I might be meeting the Grimm Reaper eariler than planned.  Ah, well. Sorry boss, guess you're losing your best bounty hunter.  "It was me. Why are we doing this anyway?" Sanji replies evenly.  Yeah! I didn't even do anything. This is fucked up. But I stay silent, not wanting to risk it.  But I'm still really comfused. Is Sanji on my side? Or was the sympathy I saw in his eyes fake? No, it can't be fake!

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