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We were truly broken up. I was depressed for a week. But then I realized that I had a life without Ethan too. I had some help of course. 

"Isa! OMG girl, you've cried a lot over him. It's time to find you some new guys. Also, I need to give you a glow up+makeover. I'll pick you up tonight. We're having a girl's night." Charlotte Archambeau said to me. Even though I didn't feel like it, I nodded. I knew better than to argue with Charlotte. She was a rich kid. Always got what she wanted while growing up. She was also extremely pretty with ocean blue eyes, curly blonde hair, and the perfect body and had never experienced rejection. I wouldn't call her spoilt though. She was kind to a fault. 

She arrived in front of my building in a fancy black car whose name I didn't know. She was wearing a tight little black dress with black boots and a leather jacket. I then looked down at my own clothes. An oversized top and grey baggy jeans. She narrowed her eyes at my outfit. I suddenly felt embarrassed about my choice. "We need to get you another outfit." She said. She came out of her car and grabbed my arm. I led her to my apartment. "Hmm... I don't get it. You have such cute clothes. However, you always choose to wear stuff like this." She pointed at my outfit again. "Ethan bought me all of these..." I started. "Oh, honey! We are not going to talk about him today!" She quickly grabbed a sage green bodycon dress with strings at the sides and white lace-up heels. I looked at the clothes questionably but still put them on. When I came out, Charlotte just stared at me for two whole minutes. "You. Look. Stunning." She said, with her hands clapped over her mouth. I was surprised myself.

We first went to the salon to get our hair and nails done. Then we went over to the karaoke nightclub and sang a couple of songs, completely wasted. A guy walked over to us and asked, "Are you both okay?" "Wow, you're really cute," I said, mindlessly. I remember seeing him blush. He was really cute. He had light brown hair, green eyes, freckled rosy cheeks and a square shaped face. "Ask him to give you his number." Drunk Charlotte whispered in my ear. And so I did. He gave us a ride home after we talked for some more time. 

"WHAT THE FUCK CHARLOTTE?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs the next morning when she told me everything that had happened the previous night. "Dude, chill. What's wrong with a cute guy dropping us off?" She said, stirring her coffee. "God knows what we did last night! I don't even remember his name!" I yelled. "Firsties, stop shouting. Second, his name is Noah White. Lucky for you, I don't drink and forget." She was now drinking her coffee. "Just call him if you're so scared. He's a good guy." I thought hard and long about it. And then, hours after Charlotte had already left, I called him. 

"Hey, Noah." I spoke into the phone. 

"Hi," He replied. 

"Thanks for dropping us off last night. That was really generous of you." 

"Don't be so formal. It's alright. We live close by so it was easy. Also, you shouldn't really trust guys that easily though. What if it'd been a bad guy?" 

"I know, I know. It's just that I was really wasted and my senses weren't working. I didn't even remember anything this morning! Anyway, how can I pay you back?" 

He chuckled and said, "Well, you could buy me dinner and we'll be even." 


"I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. I was only kidding."

"Nah, I'll buy you dinner. See you at 8 in Le Beau's."

I called Charlotte in an instant. "Code Red Charlotte. I'm having dinner with Noah at Le Beau's." I called out in a panicky voice. "How's that code red? Good for you girl. You got the result of your yesterday's hard work. I'm so proud." She said calmly. I asked her for advice but she just said, and I quote, "Go with the flow." 

I picked out a light pink and white checked woolen dress. I wore some long dangling earrings too along with light pink heels.

"Hey, did you wait long?" I asked him when I arrived. I was absolutely nervous and 10 minutes late. "Not really, I just came in." I could tell he was lying. "Sorry I'm late." "It's alright, let's order." "Je voudrais des fettuccines alfredo." He said to the waiter. "Et toi, mademoiselle?" The waiter asked me. Judging from the blank look on my face, he quickly translated, "And you, miss?" "Uhm, the same thing." After the waiter left, we both laughed. "What?! I didn't take French!" I managed to speak in the middle of giggling. "I know, but his look was still priceless." "So, what do you like?" I asked him. "You." I felt my cheeks heat up. "Besides me!" I quickly added. "Haha, cooking, sketching, the nature, and reading." He replied, with a spark in his eyes. "Oh, I love reading too!" I said, remembering how Ethan would get bored after reading for too long.

Noah was amazing. He was well-mannered, good looking, and had a witty personality. I fell in love with him immediately that night. And I said yes when he asked me out on another date. 

"Isabella, I think you're a wonderful person. And you're totally cute. Would you maybe like to go out on another date with me?" I blushed so much that I could feel it in my cheeks. I put up my palms to my face and replied, "Of course! I absolutely loved spending time with you today. I can't wait!" I did enjoy spending tie with him. But somewhere deep, deep down, a little voice reminded me that I used to love spending time with Ethan too. Maybe more. No, definitely more.

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