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The next day, I heard a lot of noise coming from outside while having breakfast. I wondered if it was that guy from earlier. I sighed and decided to check it out. Surprise, surprise, it was him. "What're you doing?" I asked, arms crossed. "I'm just getting the rest of my stuff in the house," He said, pushing a carton. "More stuff?" I asked. "Yeah, c-could you please help me with this box?" "I'm busy." I replied turning around. "Come on, pretty please?" He asked again. But this time, with puppy dog eyes. "Ugh, fine. Only if you'd stop making that face." "Thank you!" And before I knew it, it'd been hours. We'd been pushing boxes till nighttime. "Thank you for all your help, Isabella." He said with a smile. "No problem, but how're you going to pay for it?" I asked mischievously. "Well, it's pretty dark outside, and I suspect you mustn't have made dinner yet. Come on over, I have awesome cooking skills." He replied happily. "Alright, I am hungry," I said.

I entered his apartment. It was simple, yet elegant. He asked me to sit at the dining table as he cooked, but I wasn't going to be that useless. So of course, I joined him in the kitchen. "What are we making?" I asked. "Salade de pates avec soupe," "Tres bien chef," "You know how to speak French." It seemed more like a question than a statement. "Yeah. I can speak German, Japanese, Latin, and Spanish too." I replied, counting with my fingers. "You're also extremely humble." He chuckled.

Dinner was ready in a while. We sat down and started eating. "This is not too shabby," I said, taking the first bite. "I would hope so. You're the one who made it with me." We finished dinner, talked, and then it was time for me to go. "Thanks for the food. I haven't had someone cook for me in ages." I said. "It was my pleasure. I, too, had fun cooking today. Most days, it's really boring." He looked down while saying this. I still haven't figured out to this day if what I saw in his eyes that day were really tears.

My life continued as it was for a few more days until I got a call from my aunt. It'd been so long since Celine had contacted me. I picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Izzy! How good to hear your voice again! Dear, I'm so sorry I haven't been in touch for so long! I was actually gone on a trip to the Himalayas. By the way, are you free tomorrow? I wanted to have tea with you." "Sure, Auntie. I'll be there." I cut the call. It's not like I don't like Celine, but after Clara, she'd seemed distant. And after I'd turned 18, even more so. Maybe she'd been grieving, but my gut feeling tells me it's not that.

I got some stuff and left the house at 10. When I rang the doorbell, I heard some noises. Soon enough, she came to open the door, though. "Izzy! How nice to see you here!" She hugged me. I hugged her back. "It's been so long, Auntie." "Oh yes, come inside." She made me some tea and we sat down. However, it was iced tea, and my throat had been bugging me the whole day. I politely refused it. "So, are you seeing anyone?" She asked me. "I barely have any friends. Who will I date?" Her face then grew serious. "Listen now, Izzy. You've got to let it go. Ever since Clara died, you've changed. You used to be such a talkative girl. But now, you're so quiet all the time." She said. I shrugged and changed the topic. "Well, I do have one friend," I said. I continued as I saw her eyes widening. "He's my neighbor. We had dinner once." "Ooohhh! Good for you, girl!" She punched my shoulder. We talked about some more random things and then I left. On my way, I wondered, who is Ethan to me?

I just cut that feeling short, thinking, he's just a friend. But something inside me always knew that he was more than that.

When I came back from her place, I ran into my neighbor again. "Hey there!" He waved. What was wrong with me? Why did I suddenly start to feel hot? I touched my cheek as part of a reflex. It was so warm. "Hi," I said to him and rushed inside. I sat down with my face in my palms. Oh no, I was falling in love. I still had to confirm it though. When I went to work the next day, I rushed over to Savannah, more commonly known as 'The Love Expert' in my wing. "SAVVY!" I yelled. "What? Oh hey, Bella!" She said. Well, Savannah is your typical lovey-dovey princess. She's got long, blonde hair, the perfect hourglass figure, crystal blue eyes, big boobs, tiny nose, etc. She's basically a real-life Barbie. Everyone trusts her advice because she's been in a perfect relationship with her boyfriend for many years. I'd heard he'd proposed and that they were getting married soon. "Savannah, I think that I might like this guy. Tell me if I do." I told her. "You and like a boy? I can't believe it." She said, rolling her eyes. "Me either and that's why I need your help." "Fine, describe him." She said, filing her nails. "Well, he's taller than me, he's got these big, brown eyes, the color of chestnut trees. And, his hair, well, it's a light blonde, and it flows well with the wind. Oh, and he cooks so well. He also plays the guitar." "That's enough. You are in love." "What? No, that can't be!" I exclaimed. "Oh, but it is! Good luck!" "What do I do then?" I asked her. "What do you mean? Ask him out of course!" She said. Ask him out?

I thought about itall day. Then I mustered up enough courage and then thought, ugh, no! This isn't me. I'm not going to follow a guy around like his toy. But then I ended up doing it. I knocked at his door and cleared my throat. I wished he wouldn't open it, but then he did. "Hey Isabella, what's up?" He asked. "Hi, I have an extra ticket to this concert. I was wondering if you'd like to tag along. I'd be wasting my money if you don't." "Well, we wouldn't want that, now would we? I'll be there." He replied, taking the ticket from me. I'd done it, I thought. Woah. 

So I put something random on the next day. A black dress. Hey, I might have asked out a guy, but I'm still me. He knocked at my door. I opened. He looked awesome. He was wearing this colorful concert shirt and ripped jeans with chains. "Nice style." I commented. "Woah, was that a compliment I just heard?" He asked. "Yeah, I can compliment people too." I said. We then left for the concert. We screamed all the songs out loud. It'd gotten late by the team we'd come back, so we decided to go to a restaurant. "So, tell me about yourself." I said while we waited for our food. "Well, I'm a musician, I have two sisters, my family lives in Washington, and I have no friends here other than you." "No way, me neither!" I said. "Cheers!" We clinked our glasses of water. "Your turn," He said, sipping. "Alright, I lost both of my parents when I was really young, I also recently lost my sister, and I have only an aunt to call family." "I'm so sorry.." "Don't be." After a moment of silence, he said, "Does everyone just call you Isabella? I mean, no offence, your name's beautiful, but isn't it kind of long? I mean what about Bella, or Izzy?" "Don't call me that. Our food's here." We ate our dinner in silence. Oh no, did I blow it? He paid for the food. "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that." I said. "It's okay." He said. We left in his car then. "Goodbye." He said at his doorstep. "Bye," I waved. Was everything going to be okay?

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