The explanation

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I got to the hospital and he was sat in the waiting room clutching his hand, his face contorting in pain. 

"That's what you get" I said as I got to him. 

"I didn't break my hand hitting 'Mr. Perfect' if that's what you mean" He replied. 

"How can you still be so petty after you've just beaten up my boyfriend?" I asked. 

"He doesn't want you, Y/N" He said. 

"Yes he does, he came to me, he's better than you ever were" I replied, scoffing. 

"Trust me, he doesn't want you, all he wants is a rebound from his ex who dumped him when she found out how much of a douche he was" He said. 

"You're so wrong in so many ways, I don't even know why I came." I said, turning to walk away. 

He grabbed me with his good hand. 

"Y/N wait, at least let me explain, please" He begged. 

"No, Dom, no more chances" I replied. 

"Please" He said. 

"Fine, whatever." I said, sitting next to him. 

"Y/N, look, I got jealous, I'm not sure why because I know his type and in no way should I be jealous but I did, so I hit him because I was jealous and I was annoyed at him for stealing you away from me. I want you Y/N, I want to be with you." He said. 

"That's such a pathetic excuse, you hit a child Dom" I said. 

"Maybe I did it on purpose" He retorted. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Well I can't be with you if I'm a teacher, right? So maybe I hit him on purpose, because I wanted to be with you sooner." He said, looking down. 

"Well, how was that supposed to help your case? You really thought I'd immediately run back to you after you beat up my boyfriend?" I asked. 

"No, I mean, maybe, but none of this was supposed to happen, I just let my anger get the better of me" He said. 

"Dom, you're so stupid." I said. 

"I know I am, there's no need to rub it in" He replied. 

"I still love you, but after today, I'm not sure that's who I want to be with." I said. 

"Please, Y/N, I'll do anything to be with you again" He pleaded. 

"No, Dom, you're going to learn the consequences." I got up and walked away. 

When I got outside, it was pouring down with rain. I pulled my blazer up over my head and started running to the bus shelter across the road. 

"Y/N!" Dom shouted through the noise of the rain and all of the people around the hospital.

I hid my face and didn't respond. 

"Y/N, you left your phone! Your boyfriend is calling" He yelled. 

I turned around and began running back to him. Then I felt my phone in my pocket when I got to him. 

"Liar" I scoffed.

"Y/N, please, just one last kiss at least." He pleaded. 

I thought about it for a second and then I leaned up to him. He put his good hand around the back of my neck and pulled me into the kiss. It was passionate and lasted for ages. It sparked something inside of me that I'd never felt before and I knew what it was. I couldn't deny it, but he's got a lot of making up to do. I know what I have to do. 

I have to break up with Logan. 

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