The Betrayal

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The next morning I woke up, our bodies entangled, sheets hanging off the bed. The events of last night replaying in my head, it was just so perfect. 

I got up quietly, careful not to disturb Dom as I made my way to the bathroom. I locked the door and looked in the mirror, my hair was a mess and I didn't look as good as he usually would see me and I obviously didn't have time to go and pick anything up, so I started to look through the drawers and cabinets for anything to help me and surprisingly, in every single cabinet and drawer there were essentials ready to use. I found some makeup, a hairbrush, a pack of toothbrushes with toothpaste, there were even tampons and pads. 

'Either this hotel is really fancy, or Dom owns this room' I thought. 

I heard him stirring from the other room and quickly did all of my essentials. I was finally happy with the way I looked and went back into the room. He turned over and sat up, looking me up and down. 

"Wow, Y/N, you look.. Incredible" He said, his morning voice coming out.

"Thank you, sir." I replied. "I found some essentials in the bathroom, I thought I'd try and make myself look a bit more presentable." 

"I bet you always look beautiful, darling, even without makeup or anything" He said. 

"Maybe not, but you Sir, that is a completely different story, you look amazing and you've just woken up" I said. 

"You want me so badly" He said smiling. 

"So what if I do?" I questioned.

"Well you'll have to ask nicely" He teased. 

His phone pinged from the table we ate at last night. 

"Get that for me, sweetheart?" He asked.

"Of course, Daddy" I replied.

I picked up the phone and saw a message from someone called 'Babe😘' , my eyes widened in shock and my head began spinning. 

"Y/N, darling?" He said concerned "Are you okay?"

"Liar.." I managed to whisper. 

My eyes began to water and I threw his phone at him. 

"Darling, what's wrong?" He said confused

I grabbed my bag from the corner of the room and ran out of the door before he had a chance to stop me, I ran down the back staircase and out of the back door, I had no idea where I was going so I just ran. Eventually I found myself in a village and decided to try my google maps to see if I could find a bus out of here back home or something. Thankfully there was and the bus stop was five minutes down the road, I ran to the stop and the bus came two minutes later to take me home, thankfully I always keep an emergency fiver in my phone case so I was able to pay for the fare all the way to Croydon. 

I sat on the bus and began to break down as I stared out of the window and thought about everything that happened. I hate him so much. I never want to see him again. He's a liar. 

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