The Dinner

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Dom, I've found a loophole to our relationship - Y/I x

What do you mean? - D x 

Well, if we're in different schools, then technically, you can't lose your job - Y/I x

Y/N, you're leaving school in a month, we should be fine, as long as your parents don't say anything to the school. - D x

What do you mean? - Y/I x

Well, if you're an ex student, you can date whoever you want by law, so just wait a month, I'll make sure everything is okay with your parents, I'll tell them that I'll wait for you, it's only a month, right? - D x

True, in that month you can make yourself useful, find ways to make it up to me that you left. - Y/I x

So that was it, we'd have dinner tonight, sort everything out with my parents and we would get together in a month. Perfect. 

Later that day

I got home and got ready for tonight's dinner, I put on a nice dress, painted my nails and put on some makeup. 

The doorbell rang and I ran down the stairs to open it. 

"Hi, Y/N" He said, standing outside with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine. 

"Hi, Dom" I replied "Come in" 

"Thank you" He said, stepping inside. 

"Dom, wasn't it? My dad said, appearing out of the kitchen. 

"Yes, sir, you have a lovely home by the way," Dom replied. 

"Thank you, my wife likes to keep it nice" Dad said. 

"These are for you, sir" Dom said, handing my dad the flowers and the wine. 

"Thank you, Dom, you don't have to keep calling me sir by the way, my name is John" My dad said. 

"And my name is Sarah, it's nice to officially meet you, Dom, even if it is under these complicated circumstances." My mum said, appearing behind my dad. 

"Nice to officially meet you too, Sarah" Dom replied. 

"Right, who's hungry? I hope you like lasagne, Dom." My mum said. 

"Yes, lasagne is lovely, thank you" Dom replied, giving me a look. 

"I love lasagne" I said. 

We made our way through into the dining room, my mum and dad sat at either head of the table and Dom and I sat across from eachother. 

"So, you're Y/N's science teacher?" My mum asked. 

"Yes, I am" Dom replied. 

"Have you liked my daughter for long?" Dad said from the other side of the table. 

"Not really, probably about a month I'd say" Dom answered. 

"Who initiated the relationship between you?" My mum asked. 

"I did, mum" I said. 

"Okay, well, still even so, what are your intentions with my daughter, Dom?" Mum questioned. 

"Well, I plan to give your daughter a life that she deserves, I plan to take her out, live together, have a life together. I love your daughter, Mrs. Y/L/N." Dom said. 

I blushed a little at him talking about a life with me. 

"However, I am willing to wait for Y/N, just until she finishes school, if that would be what you'd prefer" He said. 

"That sounds, acceptable, however, I want you to wait for at least two weeks after she finishes school, I would hate for such a lovely man to lose his job" My mum said. 

"I think that sounds reasonable too" My dad said. 

"Of course, I'd be willing to wait a lifetime for your daughter" Dom said. 

I started to smile uncontrollably and continued to eat my lasagne. After the meal my parents talked with Dom and sent me to my room whilst they had a conversation. I don't know what it was about but afterwards I came back downstairs to see him off. 

"The lasagne was lovely, thank you Sarah, thank you both for having me, I hope to see you again soon." He said. 

"We hope to see you too, Dom, have a nice night." My mum said. 

"Bye, Dom, see you tomorrow," I said. 

"See you tomorrow, Y/N, I hope you're better behaved in my class" He chuckled. 

"I will be" I replied. 

He turned around and walked out of the garden. 

"He seems like a very nice man, Y/N, I just hope he treats you right." My dad said. 

"He will, don't worry, I'm going to bed, goodnight" I replied. 

"Goodnight," My mum said. 

I ran upstairs and sat on my bed, my parents accepted him, we could be together. It's only 6 weeks, right? But it's six weeks. I can't wait that long. I want to be with him so badly. I won't be able to take this. 

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