The Reaction

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We need to talk - Y/I

About? - D x

I'm pregnant. - Y/I

What? Seriously? - D x 

Yes, dickhead. Seriously. - Y/I

Fuck. -D x

Yeah, I'm not keeping it. - Y/I 

Why? - D x 

Why would I keep your baby? - Y/I 

Because we can look after it. - D x 

No way. Fuck off. Just wanted to let you know that maybe next time you're fucking a student you should use protection. - Y/I 

You blocked this contact.

I blocked him and put my phone on the desk beside the bed. I turned over and fell asleep . I'm so done with his bullshit. 

The next morning

I woke up to see him. Standing at the door, holding a bouquet of flowers. 

"Can you not take a fucking hint?" I said. 

"Not when I love someone." He replied. 

"You don't love me, you never did, we're over, Dom" I said harshly. 

"Y/N, please, I want to be with you." He said. 

"Then you shouldn't have left me in the first place." I retorted. 

"Y/N, please, at least let me show you how much you mean to me" He sat down on my bed and leaned in close to my face. 

"Who is this?" My dad asked, coming into the room. 

Dom turned around to look at him. 

"Your, science teacher?" My dad said, stunned. "You, fucked your science teacher?" 

"Dad, no, it's not what you think" I said. 

"Well it bloody well looks like it." He replied, angrily. "Are you happy with yourself? Having sex with 18 year olds?" He said turning to Dom. 

"Sir, I can explain, I-" Dom started. 

"Don't even think about it. You should be glad your mother isn't here, Y/N, she would have a fit." My dad said. 

"Dad, please, this is Dom, I came onto him at first, he only went along with it" I said. 

"He is thirty years old, Y/N! He's gotten you pregnant!" He yelled. 

"Sir, I really don't think this is necessary" Dom said. 

"Oh, trust me, Dom, it is necessary, you're going to prison, for life!" My dad said. 

"No!" I shouted "Dad, please no, I love him!" 

"He is 12 years older than you, Y/N!" He yelled. 

"I don't care, I love him, please don't take him away from me." I pleaded. 

"On one condition!" My dad said, angry. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Your mother has to meet him, he's coming around for dinner tonight and we'll judge his character then, putting aside the fact that he is 12 years older than you."  My dad said. "I guess, you are an adult after all." 

"Thank you, Dad!" I said. 

"So, we're okay?" Dom asked me quietly.

"Oh, far from it, you've got a lot of making up to do." I replied. 

"Okay." He said. 

"So, Dom, how long have you been seeing my daughter?" My dad asked. 

"Two weeks, sir." Dom replied. 

"Two? You got her pregnant as soon as you started seeing each other?" My dad questioned. 

"I suppose so, sir." He said. 

"You have got a lot of explaining to do, my wife won't be happy about this."  My dad stated. 

"Of course, we can have a chat now, if you'd like" Dom said. 

"Okay, lets go somewhere a bit more private, Y/N, we'll be back" My dad said. 

"Okay," I replied. 

They went off together down the corridor. 

'Oh fuck.' I thought. 'What's going to happen?' 

I went on my phone and started scrolling on tiktok, and then I went onto google and searched what would happen if a teacher had sexual relations with a student. 

The results did not look good. He could be fired if the school found out. 

Fuck. What are we going to do? 

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