The Change

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The next morning I woke up, he was gone, but his smell lingered in my room. I can't remember him leaving.

I checked my phone which must have been put on charge whilst I was sleeping as I couldn't remember doing it. 

1 new message

Hey darling, last night was amazing. Listen, I love you so much, but Y/N, I can't continue this. I can't continue to lead you on and make you think that we can actually be real. I should never have let it go on this long, I'm so sorry. - D x

As I read the message I began to cry, I thought it was all real, I thought he actually liked me. I threw my phone across my room and broke down. After about 5 minutes I got up and got dressed, I threw on my uniform and trudged downstairs. I didn't even eat breakfast before I left, I walked down the street to the bus stop and dreaded the day ahead.

'I HATE HIM' I thought. 

I checked my timetable and sure enough, first period. Science, with him. I put my airpods in and listened to my music on the bus. As I got to the gate, I saw his land rover parked in the car park, him inside. He spotted me and began to get out of the car. 

"Y/N! Wait!" He shouted. 

I just walked through the gate and into the nearest building, I hid myself in the girl's music toilets and waited until tutor began. I headed over to tutor and sat thinking about how much I now hated him. 

First period came and I took my time going up the stairs as I was in no hurry to see him at all. I reached the door and he was stood there. 

"Y/N, can I talk to you quickly?" He asked. 

"No." I snapped coldly and brushed past him into the classroom. 

For the first half of the lesson I sat there doing nothing, I saw no reason at all to try so I didn't. He must've gotten tired of me just sitting there because he suddenly began to shout at me. 

"Y/N! Why haven't you done any work?" He yelled. 

"What's the point?" I yelled back. 

"I'm sick of this, go to isolation!" He shouted. 

"Fine! Fuck you! I hate this lesson anyways!" I screamed back. 

"Get out!" He roared. 

I gathered up my things and stormed out of the classroom. A wave of 'oooos' following me. Before I closed the door I flipped off him and the whole class. 

"Y/N Y/L/N! You are on thin ice!"  He yelled. 

"Whatever!" I retorted walking down the corridor to isolation. 

I hate him. I hate myself for ever liking him. What was I thinking?

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