The Hospital

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I woke back up in the hospital. I sat up and looked around the room and he was there in the corner of the room, sleeping. 

'What is he doing here?' I thought. 

He stirred out of his sleep. 

"Darling, you're awake" He said pleased. 

"What right have you got to call me darling?" I said coldly.

"Y/N? I thought we w-" He started.

"What? Oh you thought your romantic knight in shining armour act would make everything okay again?" I cut him off. 

"But, Y/N, you said you missed me?" He questioned. 

"Of course I miss you, idiot, doesn't mean I'm going to come running back, I'm not falling for it again." I replied. 

"Y/N, please" He begged. 

"Just get out, Dom!" I shouted. 

He looked taken aback and left the room. 

"I still love you you know." He said. 

"No you don't, fuck off Dom, go back to Barbara." I sneered. 

"What the-" He started. 

A nurse appeared behind him. 

"Is this man bothering you?" She asked. 

"Yes, he is, please get him out." I answered. 

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave before I get security" She told him.

"Fine, I'm gone, I'm done." He said. 

"Fine" I said back. 

He stormed away, his heels clicking on the floor as he walked. God I hate how sexy he is when he walks. I hate everything about him but, I love him too. Ugh he's such a dick being so attractive. 

"Who was that man?" My mum suddenly said walking through the door. 

"My science teacher, he saved me from the fire." I replied. 

"Saved you? What do you mean saved you?" My dad asked concerned. 

"I was locked in the music toilets, I was mitching and safeguarding locked me in, didn't bother checking the stalls. Idiots, the lot of them." I said. 

"What?!" My mum shouted. "I am having a word with that school!" She yelled going out of the room. 

"Are you okay?" My dad asked.

"No, my science teacher is horrible" I said. 

"He did save you from a burning building, he can't be that horrible" He replied. 

"Trust me, he is" I said. 

"Whatever you say, darling" He replied. 

"Don't call me that." I said coldly. 

"Okay, why?" He asked. 

"Just, don't" I answered. 

"Hello, sir, are you her father?" A nurse asked. 

"Yes, are there any problems?" My dad replied. 

"Well, there is a slight thing, your daughter is pregnant." She said. 

"What?!" Me and my dad said simultaneously. 

"It would appear that she is two weeks pregnant" The nurse said. 

"Pregnant?" My mum appeared. She looked as if she was going to faint. 

"It would also appear that we've not been told about what you've been doing? Who is he then? Is it that boy with the land rover? Is he older than you? You have a lot of explaining to do Y/N!" My dad scolded me. 

"Yes, it's the boy with the land rover, yes he's older, yes I've had sex. I'm 18 dad!" I said. 

"You're not keeping it" My mum said. 

"No, I'm not, I don't want to keep the baby of a wanker!" I shouted. 

"Well good. Because you wouldn't have been anyway." My Dad said. 

"Good, now please get out and leave me alone!" I shouted. 

"Visiting hours are over now so if you would please, we need to do a few checks on your daughter, we're going to keep her overnight but she should be home tomorrow." The nurse said. 

"Okay, but first, how old is this boy?" My dad asked. 

"30." I said. 

"Thirty!?" My mum fainted. 

"Y/N, that is not okay!" My dad yelled. 

"I don't care, he's gone now, just get out!" I yelled back. 

"We'll see you tomorrow, when we've all cooled off and we can have a discussion about this." He said, helping my mum up. 

They left and I turned over, burying my head in the pillow. God I hate him. He got me pregnant? What a dick!   

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