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Sunday morning, bags packed, ready to go. Jaemin was driving Jisungie to the rehab center in Daegu himself, wanting to spend every last minute with his precious dongsaeng.

It had been so much burden and pressure to Jaemin previously, but now that his little brother had accepted the truth and new that he had to get better here, Jisung was completely willing and of that, Jaemin was grateful.

They spent the four hour drive chatting about anything but the place they were heading to. Jisung talked more than ever. The two brothers who'd spent their past few years together were learning so much about each other that they'd never known.

Finally, Jaemin's GPS ordered a right turn to reach their final destination. Jisung looked out the window. There were lots and lots of field, with a high, curved fence outlining the premises. His eyes widened; it looked like a jail.

Jaemin parked the car in the big lot and helped Jisung with a suitcase. "Well, we're here," he said with a cheerful smile like he was sending off his child to summer camp.

"Wait hyung, no," Jisung breathed.


"Is this it? It looks a little-"

"Yes, we're here. Don't worry, it's not like that on the inside. This place has good reviews, they organize things very well. You'll be safe." He pulled a suitcase in one hand and held Jisungie's hand with the other. The two walked up the long sidewalk to where a guard was waiting to get their information.

Jaemin explained referrals and dates to the front desk while Jisung was standing by in a daze. He was actually here. And his hyung would be leaving him today.

"You must be Jisung," a female voice to his right made him suddenly turn his head and see a nice-looking lady with the nametag "An" approaching. Jisung felt stiff.

Jaemin smiled at the lady and talked to her for a bit about Jisung, his condition and preferences. She seemed really nice, but kind of "weird"-nice like those librarians who are always asking if you need help finding something. Jisung shivered.

"Let's go to your room," Mrs. An smiled at Jisung and motioned for them to follow her. Jaemin patted Jisung and assured quietly, "She's nice, see? Everyone here is like that."

They went up an elevator and to the second floor, down the hallway to room 007. "Here's your bedroom, honey," the lady said whilst opening the door. Jisung and Jaemin peered inside. It looked like a normal bedroom, cozy even. "You can get used to this," Jaemin persuaded Jisung.

"Well I'll leave you to unpack or settle in first, and I'll be back in about thirty minutes to talk over schedules and finishing touches," Mrs. An informed pleasantly before leaving the two boys on their own.

The moment she stepped out of the room, a tear formed in Jisungie's eye and slid down his cheek. "Baby, you'll be all right," Jaemin whispered gently and wiped the tear, stroking his face. "I'll be visiting you a lot, too. Just listen to the ahjummas and ahjussis here, and you'll be out in no time, okay? Before you know it, hyung will be here to pick you up again."

Jisung nodded, and Jaemin opened one of the bags to give him a snack. The food temporarily comforted the younger boy enough, and the two started unpacking.

Mrs. An came in promptly later to ask Jaemin and Jisung some personal questions and preferences. Then she toured them through the basic map of the center for the next hour or so.

They decided to eat an early dinner together before Jaemin would have to leave. Too soon, the hours were spent and the time was gone.

"Be good, Jisungie," Jaemin gave his dongsaeng a final hug. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, hyung," Jisung choked out through tears.

He watched as his Jaemin-hyung made his way out the building's glass doors, turning around one last time to give Jisungie an endearing smile and a blown kiss.

Déjà vu. Jisungie's eyes turned wider and wider as he realized this wasn't the first time this had happened. Memories came flooding back hard, almost knocking him over. The scene that he'd experienced when he was little played in his mind over and over again, like a stuck recording. Jaemin-hyung being driven away in his Appa's car while he could only stand and watch. It was the same.

Except this time Jisungie had no Eomma or Jaehyun standing next to him.


Jaemin had been grieved that now he was driving home alone, but he'd had a long time to farewell with his dongsaeng, and that was enough. He'd call Jisungie once he got home. He was sure his little brother could accommodate quickly, maybe even make some friends.

Jaemin drove on silently, no music, no thoughts. The coming feeling of loneliness swallowed them all up. It hadn't hit him just yet.

He arrived back at their apartment in the dark night, and Jaemin slowly made his way up the building to in front of their door. He unlocked it and opened it.

Silence and a wave of emptiness welcomed him in. Jaemin sighed and plopped himself on the living room couch not even bothering to turn on the lights, feeling lazy and sore from the long drive. He took the remote and turned on the TV "just because," and soon felt himself drifting off to sleep.

That is, if his phone hadn't started ringing incessantly. It was quite irritating, bothering the sleepy Jaemin. He picked up the phone and didn't bother to look at the caller. "I'm fucking tired, do you know what time it is?"

"Uh, sorry—" the voice came in apologetically.

Jaemin jumped up, eyes big. "WAIT! SORRY JENO!" He wailed, wide awake now. "SORRY! I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION!"

Jeno gave a small laugh on the other end. "It's okay, I'm sure you're tired. I'll let you sleep."

"What were you calling for?" Jaemin asked hastily.

"Oh, just checking up on you and seeing if Jisung's safe at the center," Jeno said casually.

"Oh yes, he's there and I got back home not too long ago. Thanks for checking in," Jaemin said in a cute voice, making Jeno on the other end smile like an idiot.

"All right then, get some good rest. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Oki. Good night, love~" Jaemin replied sweetly.

"Good night Jaemin," Jeno blushed.

Jaemin hung up and set his phone on the table, smiling all the time. He turned off the ever-running TV and lay comfortably onto the living room couch, not feeling like moving to his own bedroom.

He slept peacefully, dreaming of a sweet someone.

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