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...read at your own risk 👀


"What do you wanna do?"

Jeno and Jaemin sat in Jeno's bedroom a little while after Jisung had left, Jeno sitting in his desk swivel chair and Jaemin on the edge of his bed.

"I don't know. What can we do?" Jaemin asked.

"Anything. Anything you want," Jeno offered.

It was dusk outside, and soon the sky would be completely dark. Although Jaemin didn't seem to have any intention of leaving and Jeno also wanted him to stay as long as possible.

"Hmm..." Jaemin thought what he wanted to do and tilted his head, looking up at Jeno's ceiling as if that would help him think of something. His lips were upturned in a cute pout, his sign of being deep in thought, Jeno had realised by now. He was too cute. Jeno stared at the boy in front of him, stared maybe a bit too long-

The next moment was a sin.

Jeno felt his body get up out of the chair and move forward to the bed where Jaemin was sitting. In an instant he had pushed Jaemin onto the bed and Jeno's body was towering over him. He observed Jaemin's change in facial expression, that cute pout turned into an "o".


There was no verbal response, only that Jeno cradled an arm around Jaemin's head and bent down closer to Jaemin's face. He paused with his mouth merely an inch away from the pink-haired boy's lips as if he was struggling whether to listen to the voices in his head or not.

Why not?

Jeno didn't get any closer, but ran his tongue along Jaemin's bottom lip slowly before biting it softly. Damn, who was the player now?

Under Jeno's muscular body, Jaemin stiffened at the contact. He was afraid to open his mouth and speak. His hand shook next to him as he was trying to process what the hell Lee Jeno was doing. Hadn't he just been sitting in that desk chair seconds ago?

Jeno now plunged into a full kiss with Jaemin, ignoring anything else he'd ever lived or thought of until now. He felt good to be kissing the boy. If only Jaemin would start kissing him back...

For Jaemin, it was hard to process quickly when his crush with a hot body was literally lying on him, holding his head and kissing him good; but when it did process, Jaemin thought that he had to seize the moment. Wouldn't he dream of this? He had such a big crush on Jeno.

Jaemin hesitantly lifted his arm and put it around Jeno's head, pulling the top even closer to him. He closed his eyes and moved his lips, kissing back. Wasn't this his expertise?

He slid his tongue into Jeno's mouth, exploring his flavor. Fuck, now that they were physically engaging, Jaemin realised he wanted so much more of Jeno than he'd ever thought of. He wanted that boy's taste and body so much.

He felt Jeno's right hand touch his neck softly and slowly slide down, messing with the collar of Jaemin's school uniform. Jeno's fingers skillfully unbuttoned the top two buttons of the younger boy's shirt, and he stroked his revealed collar bone, wanting.

Jaemin shivered at Jeno's touch. He wrapped his legs around Jeno's waist and hugged him tightly. He was enjoying the moment. Sure, he engaged in this kind of activity literally every day, but it was different when you were doing it with someone you love rather than just for work.

Jaemin allowed Jeno to fully unbutton his shirt, revealing a marked up but hot muscular body. Jaemin looked up at Jeno shyly as the one on top smirked back at him and traced a finger on Jaemin's chest, then his abs. "So beautiful..."

Jaemin in return snaked his hand up Jeno's shirt and up his back, feeling the warmth of the latter's skin underneath his fingertips. With his other hand he pressed the back of Jeno's head toward him again, going in for a second kiss. Jeno kissed back aggressively, hungrily lusting for the lips of the boy pressed under him.

The two made out like this, thirsty for each other for a solid three minutes before Jeno finally broke away and lifted his face off of Jaemin's. The younger was looking back at him lovingly, one hand stroking Jeno's hair gently and the other caressing his face. They could stay like this forever, Jaemin wouldn't mind. At this moment he couldn't think of anything unlovely in the world: his past, his present, his struggles, his humiliation. All he could think of was his beautiful, perfect Jeno-

Outside the bedroom, someone slammed a door loudly, forcing both boys back into reality of what they were doing. The dream moment was gone, all fantasies disappeared. Jaemin blinked and looked down at his bare top and hastily covered himself up with Jeno's bed covers beside him.

"I'm sorry," both of their instincts compelled them to say simultaneously. Jeno scrambled off of Jaemin and hurriedly tried to help him button his uniform back up.

"Jeno-yah." Jaemin said breathlessly.

Jeno's name being called made him pause and look up at Jaemin fearfully, expecting the worse to come out of his mouth.

"Kiara," Jaemin reminded in a whisper.

Jeno's eyes widened. "K-kiara," he repeated in disbelief at himself.

"We didn't do anything," Jaemin quickly said, as if a simple sentence could erase everything they'd just done. "Forget about this, we didn't do anything. Okay?"

"I'm sorry. I started it-" Jeno began to apologise profusely. "I don't know-"

"You're fine," the younger interrupted him. "Just pretend nothing happened. No one needs to know, and as long as- as long as we don't do it again, it will...be fine." Jaemin forced the words out, but it hurt himself in doing so.

"What do you mean? We can't just 'pretend' that nothing happened when we clearly just- just, you know. That's not something forgettable," Jeno protested.

"But what can we do about it?" Jaemin stressed back. "We can't erase it, but you'd be in trouble if we don't cover it up. What'll we do if we don't forget about it or we don't pretend that didn't just happen? There's no other option. It's okay, Jeno."

Jeno gave a small nod and broke eye contact from the pink-haired boy. He still couldn't believe he'd done what he had just now, and in only a matter of a few minutes had brought such a trouble upon himself and his best friend. Why'd he even do it, he couldn't understand. Why'd the idea ever cross his mind, why'd he been so impulsive?

He was right, this wasn't something forgettable. Perfect Lee Jeno, mama's boy, teacher's pet but still loved by his peers, adults' favorite, classmates' favorite, loved by everyone who knew him, future of his parents, straight-A student, the boyfriend of a supposedly perfect love relationship, best leader in many situations, healthy in mind and body, quiet yet manly, someone that so many people looked up to, the standard.

The Lee Jeno had cheated on his girlfriend. With the school's "fuckboy." And the Lee Jeno had been the one to start it.

Impossible...but apparently, the truth.

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