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"Can I have my pay?"

The pink-haired boy had been shoved outside onto his client's porch and told to "get his ass outta here" but he wouldn't leave the premises without the money he had bargained for. His body was way too sore to let two hours' worth go.

"Fine, you whiny little bitch. Doesn't see anything but money." The man growled and aggressively dug in his pocket to pull out his wallet, grabbed out two $20 bills and threw it at the boy. The money fell onto the ground. "Now get out."

Jaemin calmly bent down, picked up the bills, folded them neatly, and stuffed them in his pocket. He considered saying "Thank you" but that was too much. The man didn't have his respect. Jaemin turned to go down the front door stairs and felt the man push his back. Reaching out his arm to grab the porch rail at the last second, Jaemin saved himself from tripping, falling, and ruining his face. His client's door slammed behind him.

The boy quickly made his way to the sidewalk before the angry man could open the door and do anything else to him for staying on his property too long. Then he took out the money from his pocket and stared at the bills. Jaemin cussed under his breath. $40. Not even close to how much the deal was. He'd wasted two hours on a phony client, and it wasn't the first time. He bit his lip hard and scolded himself for being so naïve like always. It was as if he were born just to be taken advantage of.

Well at least that was 40 more dollars to pay a $500 rent with. It was a sarcastic statement. At this point, Jaemin didn't even know if it was better to live in the dingy apartment and perhaps "waste" 500 bucks a month, or live under a bridge. There wasn't electricity under a bridge, but there wasn't any in his apartment room either. The faucet and toilet didn't work half the time, and how many times had Jaemin woken up to the annoying, hair-pulling noise of water constantly dripping. Winters were cold and summers were warm beyond comfort. Jaemin had gotten rid of the air condition and heater a while ago because they were broken, he didn't have money to fix it, and they just ended up being useless and taking up space in the already cramped room. Yes, honestly. Why not move out of the apartment by now?

The reason was his precious dongsaeng Park Jisung, the whole love and purpose of Na Jaemin's life. Jaemin loved the boy more than anything, and he worked his butt off to give Jisung the best. What would Jisung think of his hyung if he made him live under a bridge?

Jaemin trudged along the roads to get back home. He needed to make dinner for Jisung. Jaemin's schedule was packed every day, considering the fact that he still went to school (senior year of high school), worked odd hours, and went above and beyond for Jisung. Jaemin in truth was still a minor, 18 years of age. How was he getting away with paying rent like an adult, taking care of another minor, and illegally selling his body? Because the shady landlord covered up Jaemin's underage secrets, only wanting money and doesn't care if the kid is doing illegal business. Mr. Landlord well knew Jaemin was still a student. But $500 every month was still $500 every month and he wanted it.

Jaemin would drop out of school but he thought it would be regretful to drop out on his senior year, especially when his grades were decent. Why not just push through a few semesters and graduate with a sense of accomplishment?

Unless...school would take up too much time that he wouldn't be able to make enough money. Or school officials would find out about his secret life apart from the good boy he showed at school. Or school classmates suddenly started to take an interest in him and find out about everything?!

No. Na Jaemin was good at keeping secrets. Good at keeping himself a secret from other people.

But not from a certain Lee Jeno.

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