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Jaemin jumped, startled at the sound of his phone suddenly ringing. He was at a quiet café with Jeno, eating snacks after leaving the gym.

Jaemin fumbled around for his phone and looked blankly at the number who was calling before picking up. He glanced at Jeno with a smile and a "one moment, sorry" gesture. "Hello?"

"Bitch where you at?! It's long past seven and where's your shitty ass? I been fucking waiting for—"

Jaemin's eyes widened. He'd forgotten about work today. He'd thought his only client was the one at 8:30. "Ohh yeah I'm sorry sir," he quickly interrupted. "I'll be there in a moment. My apologies." He hung up as the man was still yelling, and looked at Jeno with a weak smile and apologetic eyes. "Jeno-ssi, sorry for the sudden disturbance. I'm afraid I gotta run."

"What is—"

"Just work," Jaemin said hurriedly while gathering up his belongings.

"Ah n-no problem, Jaemin," Jeno said blankly. "Well, be safe and take care."

"Of course, and you too," Jaemin said, sending Jeno a wink before waving and exiting the café.

Jeno sat still staring at the iced coffee in front of him for a few moments. Who was that calling Jaemin? Although the phone hadn't been on speaker, the man on the other end had yelled way loud enough for Jeno to hear. Was that Jaemin's...boss? Where did Jaemin work that would let a manager cuss out an employee, even a minor?

Jeno peered out the café window and saw Jaemin just getting into the seat of a taxi. Concerned for the boy, Jeno quickly got his stuff and left the building, walking quickly to his car that was parked next to the sidewalk. He got in and cautiously followed Jaemin's ride. The car turned quite a few blocks and eventually was led out of the city onto a highway where it drove a long, long time until it suddenly got off the interstate and rolled into a...rest area?

It was dark by now, and Jeno parked at the side of the building and watched Jaemin get dropped off at the front. Jaemin stood on the sidewalk and checked his phone before walking into the building. Jeno frowned to himself. What kind of work was this?

He got out of his car and opened the trunk where he had an extra jacket, put it on and grabbed a face mask. The area didn't feel safe at night right now but he was worried for Jaemin. The boy had cried to him back at the gym but he hadn't revealed anything specific. Jeno'd been wary to ask more questions at the moment.

He put his head down and walked up the sidewalk into the rest area and looked around for a bit, and not finding Jaemin, made the conclusion that the boy was either in the lady's or family restroom.

Not knowing what to do, he stood around for a few minutes before a lady and her girl came into the building. "Um, excuse m-me ma'am...could you help check for me if a guy with pink hair is uh, in the...restroom?"

"A what?" the lady responded with a kind of offended tone of voice.

"Y-yeah...um, my uh, friend..."

The lady responded by taking her daughters hand and leaving the building, then coming back two minutes later with her poor husband, who after much persuasion entered the restroom himself. He came out quickly and reported that there was no one inside.

"Ah ok, thank you. Sorry for the trouble," Jeno said, embarrassed. The lady went in indignantly, muttering something about wicked teenagers these days. But at least Jeno got his lead, now he knew Jaemin must be in the family one-stall. He went over and knocked on it.

"Sorry it's occupied," answered Jaemin's voice.

"Oh sorry," Jeno said in a muffled voice. He stood next to the water fountains and took out his phone. Man Jeno, are you really waiting for who knows how long just for Jaemin? Yes.

He texted his parents that he's out with his friends and don't know when he'll be back. Technically...he was outside and Jaemin, who was a friend, was also outside? Jeno tried to rationalize his texts. Did lying to his parents so much recently make it that much easier to lie now?

It was getting cold at night and Jeno's legs were quite tired from working out so he sat on the bench provided and kept waiting. It had to be an hour by now. Annoyingly, the running of vending machines and the big heaters blocked any of Jeno's wishes to hear what was going on in the restroom.

Jeno was dozing off when the door clicked open and a man came out, followed by the precious pink haired boy that Jeno was so intent on protecting. Jeno was alerted by the sound of a man's raspy voice cussing. Jeno lifted his head up slightly and observed the two. The man left first, and Jaemin looked at his phone for a few minutes before leaving the area as well.

Jaemin and a man with bad intentions, locked behind bathroom doors.

Jaemin and his reputation at school for being a fuckboy.

Jaemin and the marks on his neck that he didn't even bother to hide anymore.

Jeno strained his eyes to see the boy walking off into the darkness, waiting at the sidewalk and calling someone to come pick him up.

Jeno took out his phone and messaged Jaemin.

Hey hru?

Jaemin answered within seconds.

I'm feeling great! You? :D



Jeno was driving back home when he got a call from his girlfriend, Kiara.

"Hey Jeno. Your parents called and asked me if I was with you because you hadn't come back home. Where are you?"

"Um, I'm outside on my way home," Jeno replied.

"Oh okay. Why are you out so late?" Kiara asked, knowing that Jeno wasn't one to stay out at night.

"I was just with a friend," Jeno answered, also trying to convince himself.

"Oh. Which friend?"

"Uhh just a new guy I been hanging out with recently," Jeno stuttered and quickly added, "he's not a bad guy."

"I mean, I didn't say he was. Who is it? Jeno-ie, is everything fine recently? You maybe seem a little...off? I don't know. Is it Jisung? I'm really not upset at all. I'm just curious," she explained sincerely.

"Yeah everything's fine. I just..."

Could he tell her about Jaemin? She probably knew about his person from school...

Maybe he should. After all, Jeno and his girl's love relationship was real and strong. She wouldn't leave Jeno just because he talks to some known "pervert."

He sighed and answered under his breath, "Jaemin."


"Na Jaemin," Jeno said a little louder.

"The guy with pink hair at school?"


"Ohh. When'd you meet up with him?"

"A few days ago."

"I see," Kiara answered with a neither pleasant nor annoyed tone. "Well, be safe coming back, okay?"

"Of course bae. And you get better soon."

The conversation ended quickly and Jeno relaxed back into the seat. He squinted at the road, tired, trying to discern the interstate lines through the bright lights coming this way. Well now he knew what Jaemin's "work" was.

What a pity.

Beautiful // NominOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz