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It hadn't taken long for Jaemin to figure out the boy's name, and soon he was looking Jeno up on Instagram. He felt strange about doing so, since Jaemin had never found such an interest in another human being other than his brother Jisung in a long time.

Jaemin pouted as he saw that Jeno's account was private, so he requested permission to follow him. He then turned off his phone because the teacher had come into the classroom.

Meanwhile, Jeno being in the library for study hall at the time spotted the notification from Instagram. Someone was requesting to follow him...? "Na..."

Jeno's eyes widened as he realized it was Jaemin, and he stared at the profile as if that would make Jaemin disappear. It didn't. Here was that boy who Jeno must admit he is scared of, and that boy wants to follow him...should Jeno just let him...? What did Jaemin want?

Jeno argued to himself that it wouldn't be a problem. He slowly moved his thumb or to "Confirm" and in the next second, Jaemin had access to see his posts. Jeno blinked twice but then put his phone away. Study now, think about it later.

But it's kinda hard to do that when someone just sent you a DM. Jeno fought the urge to look back at his phone. He gave in and turned it back on. Oh my all might, it was Na Jaemin. Already?

Jeno couldn't help but look at the message Jaemin sent.

Hihi, jeno?

Jeno blinked as he read the short message again. Wasn't Jaemin supposed to be in class? How was he texting him?

In truth, Nana was in class with the teacher talking, but as many students did, his phone was easy to hide behind a book or under the desk and Jeno was much more intriguing to him than any teacher.

He had seen Jeno's "read" and gotten excited, only to wait so long and the boy hadn't replied yet; it made him a bit disappointed but his hopes were up as long as the green dot on Jeno's profile continued to show he was active.

Jeno, sitting at the library, was still indecisive about whether he should reply or not. Phone in hands, staring at Jaemin's message for the past 5 minutes. He was wasting time. Study, or chat?! Jeno could only hope that Jaemin would get caught texting in class and would stop, but wouldn't that put Jeno in trouble too?

Jaemin's hope was beginning to die down when Jeno's fingers on the other end suddenly texted a "Hi" and sent. Jeno's eyes widened. He hadn't wanted to send that-

Nana's eyes lit up at the sight of a response. Jeno had said "hi"! Jaemin had no hesitation in replying hru? Are you in study hall?

Jeno saw it and replied,


And you are in class

Shouldn't you be paying attention?

Yes, but it doesn't matter as long as your paying attention to me, Jaemin thought to himself, happy to be scolded by Lee Jeno. Was this a crush? Most definitely.


its comPLETELYYY ok


ur in STUDY hall but ur not studying

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