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Wattpad refuses to format my right texts once again...so as you can see, I put their names before their text messages. Sorry for the inconvenience.


"Oh my goodness, Na Jaemin, I can't believe you."

Jaemin was in his study hall at the library when he heard his name and looked up to see Park Jinae, the girl who'd kinda not really embarrassed him this morning. He raised his eyebrows at her, waiting for an explanation to her sudden statement.

"You're seriously Jaehyun's brother?!"

Jaemin blinked calmly at her and watched her annoyed expression when he did not respond right away. Jinae continued, "I can't believe it. Like, you are my sister's boyfriend's brother. Does that make us related or something? That's so embarrassing for me!"

"Who told you that?" Jaemin frowned, ignoring her worried outburst.

"Well, I mean, after this morning, of course I had to see if you were telling the truth or not, so I texted my sister and asked if her Jaehyun had a brother, and she just texted back and said that he said that he has two. And you have a little brother too, right?"

Jaemin's eyes widened upon hearing the girl's information. "R-right...?"

Jaehyun-hyung...admitting that he has two brothers. He HAS two brothers. Nana and Jisungie were still brothers to him? Did that mean they weren't disowned by their hyung?

"Excuse me? Earth to Jaemin," Jinae interrupted his thoughts. "What's with that dreamy look on your face? My all might, you are as weird as everyone says you are."

"Jinae," Jaemin ignored her words again, "ask your sister to ask Jaehyun about us. I haven't seen him in forever. I wanna know what he thinks about me."

"Okay...?" Jinae gave him a side-eye but texted away anyways and within five minutes, received an answer from her sister who was still online and apparently with Jaehyun at the moment. "Ooh, Jaehyun texted himself. Take it and read it."

Jaemin grabbed the phone from her and saw that Jinae had texted "na jaemin my classmate claims to be ur bf's lil bro and he's beside me rn and wanted to ask abt what ur bf thinks abt him, if u can ask jaehyun jaemin'd like that"

"You didn't-!" Jaemin started, as he then noticed the big paragraph that was sent by Jaehyun.

Jinae whined, "What, I asked for you, didn't I?!"

"You didn't have to tell him about me!" Jaemin said with a sigh. But nonetheless, he took her phone in his hands, and heart beating wildly, prepared to read a message from Jaehyun-hyung himself whom Jaemin hadn't heard from for so many years. The thought of his hyung being so close to him yet so far away rekindled that burning that had been buried so deep in his heart, that never-ending worry that his beloved hyung did not love him anymore. Well, who thought he would find out today? And in such a circumstance? He read the first sentence:

Jaehyun:: Nana is your classmate?


Jaemin couldn't cry in front of his classmate, even more so a girl who seemed to hate his guts. He closed his eyes and held his breath, trying to get the heated feeling that was traveling towards his eyes to go away.

"Uh, Jaemin?"

His eyes shot open and he shook his head fiercely before bring the phone back up to his face and continuing to read the text. Jinae saw his glassy eyes but wisely chose not to comment.

Jaehyun:: Yes Nana jaemin and park jisungie are my younger brothers. They go to your school? What a coincidence - we haven't seen each other in a long time. I've been wondering where they wandered off to, kkkk

Hyung, you've been wondering, Jaemin swallowed and bit his lip. He couldn't read the message in front of Jinae anymore. He set her phone on the table and covered his face with his hands that quickly became wet with his tears, shook his head and apologized to the girl before standing up and running toward the restroom, not showing his face.

Hyung, you've been wondering where we are-! Jaemin locked himself in the last stall and sobbed uncontrollably once he realized that no one else was in the restroom, although any loud noises would most definitely be heard outside the restroom doors.

Park Jinae still stood at the table where the male just left in a rush, confused. She took her phone herself and continued to read the message:

Jaehyun::  For jaemin, what should I think abt him? Its been a long time, he's definitely changed, i would think. Idk what to think of him now. But in my mind, ofc, he's just as before. Lmao, would jaemin want me to describe him in your messages?

Jaehyun::  I hope he's doing well and I do think abt him and jisung alot haha. Jinae, you will be at our performance coming up, right? Also do you have jaemin's contact? If he doesn't mind ofc. I've been looking for his socials quite a few times lol

Jinae didn't have Jaemin's contact but she knew who to ask. She knew Jeno fairly well from Kiara, so she could just ask him.

Jinae::  dont have it but i'll get it

Jaehyun:: If it's not a bother, ty

Jinae texted Jeno and asked for Jaemin's number. She avoided Kiara because she knew how jealous the girl was of Jaemin. As much reputation as Jaemin had at the school, the scene that had unfolded in front of her eyes just now made her feel soft towards her classmate.

Lee Jeno

Jinae:: can i have jaemin's number?

She didn't expect Jeno to answer right away since he was in class at the moment. Jinae turned off her phone and looked towards the direction of the restrooms. Would Jaemin come out anytime soon? She shrugged and sat down at the table and started to write her homework. She wondered what Jaemin's story was all about. Nobody'd ever given a single thought about the disliked classmates' backstories. Like everyone else, she'd seen the boy as merely a shameless fuck boy and nothing more, nothing less. 

Today was an eye-opener, for sure. 

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