Start from the beginning

Tin's father explained that the twins had been separated due to a tragic accident when they were just five years old. The family was returning home to Thailand from Germany when their vehicle careened off a steep highway, leaving Tin with a deep scar on his head from the impact. In the chaos, Tin's twin had vanished, lost to them amidst the wreckage. The twins had been alone with their driver during the accident; their parents were absent during those critical moments.

Over the years, Krittin had drifted into a life of crime, shaped by circumstances beyond his control. Tin felt a surge of conflicting emotions—pain, regret, and an overwhelming sense of loss for the sibling he had unknowingly been searching for all these years.

Tin and Krittin locked eyes, each grappling with the weight of their shared history. The encounter was both heart-wrenching and surreal, as Tin struggled to reconcile the image of the criminal before him with the face of his long-lost brother.

Tin's father's voice quivered as he recounted the guilt and remorse the family had carried over Krittin's disappearance and subsequent descent into the criminal underworld. It was a haunting reminder of the fragility of life and the unforeseen consequences of tragedy.

Amidst the tension, Krittin spoke, his voice tinged with a mix of defiance and vulnerability.

Krittin: "So, it's true... we're brothers. But look at us now—two sides of the same coin, shaped by the same fate."

Tin's heart ached with empathy for the path his brother had been forced to walk. Despite the circumstances, a flicker of hope ignited within Tin—a desire to mend the fractured bond with his twin, to redeem what had been lost.

As the realization of their connection settled in, Tin knew that their reunion was just the beginning of a tumultuous journey—one that would test their resilience, challenge their convictions, and ultimately redefine the meaning of family against a backdrop of shadows and redemption.

Tin was overcome with shock and disbelief upon learning the truth, causing him to abruptly leave and mount his motorcycle. As he sped away, tears streamed down his face, mixing with a flood of memories and emotions. Tin repeatedly struck his helmet in frustration, shouting out in anguish.

Tin: "Why can't you remember anything? Why did you forget?"

As Tin rode, his mind swirled with a tumultuous mix of memories and emotions, causing him to break down. Suddenly, vivid recollections flooded Tin's mind—the memory of embracing his younger twin sibling on the day of the accident, despite the severity of his injuries. He vividly recalled how he had tried desperately to calm his frightened sibling amidst the chaos, holding onto him tightly.

In a heart-wrenching moment, the door of Tin's car burst open, and several men forcefully pulled his twin away from him. Despite Tin's desperate attempts to hold on, he was powerless against the strength of the men. Tin stepped out of the car and struggled to reach his sibling, but he was violently shoved toward a ravine, separating them.

Tin found himself lying in a cold, desolate forest, his head bleeding from the impact. Despite the pain and fear, he fought to stay conscious, repeatedly murmuring through tears.

Younger Tin: "I'm sorry, Krittin. Please don't forget, Krittin, my younger brother."

Tin's heartache was palpable as he relived the traumatic events of that fateful day. The anguish of losing his twin brother haunted him, leaving him feeling helpless and alone.

As Tin continued to ride into the night, the weight of unresolved sorrow and longing consumed him. His journey was no longer just about discovering the truth—it was a quest for redemption, a yearning to reclaim the bond that had been cruelly severed by fate.

Tin repeatedly reminded himself of his brother's name until he heard someone calling out their names. He closed his eyes, whispering Krittin's name one last time. However, before he could fully shut out the world, he was jolted back to reality by the sound of screeching tires and the impact of a collision. Tin had crashed into another car, his mind clouded with guilt and anguish over his lost twin.

Amid the chaos, Tin felt a sudden punch land on him, knocking him to the ground. The occupants of the other car were intoxicated, and in his distracted state, Tin had failed to concentrate on his driving. Despite being an official, Tin didn't fight back against the assault; he believed he deserved the punishment for his negligence.

He endured the kicks and punches, feeling every blow as a physical manifestation of his own self-condemnation. As the beating continued for hours, Tin remained on his knees, unable to face anyone or anything around him. Rain fell around him, mixing with his tears, turning his face red with shame and pain.

Desperate and terrified, Tin's mind was overrun with memories he had long suppressed—his inability to protect his younger twin brother, Krittin. The realization that Krittin had become a criminal added to Tin's overwhelming sense of failure and regret.

In a moment of raw emotion, Tin screamed into the night, the weight of his forgotten memories and shattered promises crashing down on him. He had vowed to protect his loved ones, yet he had failed the one person who mattered most. The agony of his own inadequacy and the irreparable loss of his brother tormented him to the core.

As the rain poured down, Tin remained kneeling, broken and defeated, his body battered and bruised, mirroring the devastation of his soul. The once-resolute official was now a shattered man, grappling with the painful realization that some wounds never truly heal and that redemption may forever elude him.

Several attempts were made to reach Tin, but he ignored them each time. Finally, a car pulled up in front of him, and out stepped the one person Tin had been longing to see—Naret, his lover, who had left despite still recovering, determined to find Tin using the tracker he had given him.

Naret was taken aback by Tin's miserable state, kneeling in despair. He swiftly embraced Tin, repeatedly asking him what had happened and if he was okay. Despite Naret's barrage of questions, Tin could only weep, clinging to Naret's hand for solace.

Naret continued to inquire, growing increasingly concerned as Tin remained unresponsive, lost in his anguish. Tin's grip on Naret's hand eventually loosened, and suddenly, Tin collapsed against Naret's chest, unconscious. Startled, Naret quickly roused Tin, noticing blood on Tin's head. He immediately called over his companion and together they lifted Tin, their urgent concern palpable.

As Naret cradled Tin in his arms, his heart ached for his lover. The sight of Tin's brokenness stirred a mixture of compassion and distress within Naret. He couldn't fathom what Tin had endured but was determined to provide the support Tin desperately needed.

With urgency in his voice, Naret instructed his companion to rush Tin to safety. In that moment, Naret realized the depth of Tin's suffering and the weight of the burdens he carried alone. As they hurried to seek help for Tin, Naret vowed to stand by his lover, determined to unravel the mysteries behind Tin's torment and to offer him the solace and redemption he so desperately craved.

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