" No, we will keep waiting. "

Hearing the response of their young master, the other guard James sighed.

Since the young master's return, Jonas Cane has become strange and not willing to admit it loud... dare he say terrifying.

James and the servants of the Cane Manor were afraid. They were afraid that something would happen to them if they admitted out loud that their young master was terrifying.

Gaining unusual behaviors and habits that have made the servants of the Cane Manor become uncomfortable with his presence and learn to be used to the young master's eccentricities.

However, despite learning and forcing themselves to adapt to the changes of their young master, some of Jonas Cane's behavior would never fail to implant fear in their minds and hearts.

Their Master and Madam are aware of some level of changes towards their child. However, they decided to excuse it with faulty logic and reason in their child's changes along with some optimism and ignorance.

Logical that the thing they saw towards their child's change of behavior is acceptable because their child has experienced a traumatic event. Even with the loss of his memories, their child's subconscious wouldn't.

Reasonable that the unusual eccentricities have to do with their child being a Metahuman.

Optimistic that the various requests and actions of their child are proof of healing himself and making himself feel better. Going along with his unusual request and spoiling their child rotten because of the guilt that they felt toward their child. Their negligence caused the unfortunate events to happen in the first place.

Ignorant...  because the Master and Madam are willingly ignoring their subconscious that there was something wrong with their child. They keep making excuses and their eyes couldn't see the servants of their residence being fearful of their child.

They are a wonderful couple but a terrible pair of parents playing pretend. Insisting that nothing has changed at all.

And just like the Master and Madam of the Cane Manor, even if there was something wrong with their child, the servants of the Cane Manor wouldn't be able to open their mouths. Blurting out the truth and reality of their current situation. They can't do it.

Breaking the fragile normalcy of the Cane Residence and inviting on ending the play of pretend. Not only ending the Master and Madam's tunneled gazes but also the servant's safety in the Cane Residence.

If they blurt out the truth, would the being that was enjoying their play pretend to do something to them?

While James was engrossed in his thoughts, he broke out of his thoughts when he noticed a student approaching Jonas Cane.

" Excuse me, do you need help? "

It was a young man with messy brown hair and amber eyes. Beneath his eyes are prominent eye bugs. He was someone who appeared to not get enough sleep.

" Are you waiting for someone? "

He asked Jonas before glancing at Gregory and James. At the question, the two Cane family guards could see Jonas grin.

" You pass the test. "

Jonas says while the Gotham University Student looks at him with confusion.

" Pardon? "

Still grinning towards the student who is growing uncomfortable, Jonas asks.

" Hey, Mister. Do you want a part-time job? "

Taking out a flyer from the pouch of his pants, Jonas passed it to the confused young man. The latter was very confused and wondered how the flyer didn't have any signs of crumpling. The Gotham University student gazes at the contents of the flyer.

The most prominent thing was the image of an owl and a tape recorder. Beneath the two illustrations are some words.

[ Magnus Institute- Vigilio. Opperior. Audio. ]

[ Old Gotham District, Bentham Street ]

Blinking his eyes, the young man cast a doubtful gaze toward Jonas and his two guards. Wondering if he was currently dreaming.

' What a strange situation... '

He decided to approach the kid who was standing in front of the main gate because he was curious. Helping the kid was only secondary to his priorities.

Looking at the kid, whom he has noticed hasn't averted his attention away from him since approaching the kid, the student can feel his body's heartbeat becoming faster. The student's body is enveloped with coldness and a chill on his spine.

Looking at the kid and the guards standing behind the kid once again, the student forced a smile on his face.

Jonas was surprised when the student forced open his gloved right hand and handed him back his flyer before making him close his right hand on it. The smile on the student's face becomes more forceful.

" Your answer Mister? "

Jonas asked.

" Go back to your home young master with your guards. Don't you know that it is dangerous to go out of Gotham nowadays with little kids like you? "

Patting his uniform, the student continued with a dismissive tone.

" Go back. I don't have time to play pretend or for any pranks. "

After saying those words, the student hurriedly walked away from Jonas, and the two guards. The student could feel a gaze burning behind his back as he walked away from the kid.

Now, he regretted ignoring his instinct and following his curiosity. He should have followed the actions of the Majority.

Hopefully, this is the student's last time interacting with that strange kid.

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