Chapter Ten

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You're about halfway down the path on your way to the motel room when you run into Sam.

"Hey," he says awkwardly and brings his hand up to scratch the back of his neck.

"Hey," you respond, matching his awkwardness.

It felt weird, being awkward with the person who had become like a brother to you. Someone who you had no problem talking with for hours.

"We should talk. I want to explain myself. Please?"

"Okay," you nod. "There's a bench about a hundred feet behind us. It's a good spot to sit and talk."

"Lead the way."

The entire walk back to the bench is spent in silence as Sam trails behind you. Taking a seat, you can't help but to recall how dreamlike Castiel had looked in that same spot no more than ten minutes ago.

Sam clears his throat. "I'm sorry for lying to you."

"I'm not upset about that. Everyone keeps secrets. Hell, even I have secrets. Yours is just so dangerous, Sam. Working with demons? You of all people should know better than that."

"Ruby isn't any of us. I'm asking you to trust me on this." He pleads.

"You know I trust you. It's demons that I don't trust. I just can't help but to wonder what she gets out of helping you. You know they only do things that benefit themselves."

"She wants Lilith dead just like we do. That's all there is to it."

You want to respond with 'that you know of,' but decide to keep your skepticism of Ruby to yourself and maybe hushed conversations with Dean in the future. You find it hard to be critical when Sam is begging you to trust him, sure of himself that Ruby is genuinely just helping him.

So instead you say, "Okay, Sam. Can we get back to the motel now? I really need to shower before we hit the road."

"Yeah, you're starting to smell kind of ripe," he smiles before getting up and running away down the path.

"You asshole!" You yell as you chase after him.


You finally catch up to Sam out front of the motel and pummel into him, almost knocking him over as you both struggle to stop laughing. After calming down, he unlocks the rusty lock of the door and stepping inside you see Dean still passed out on one of the beds. You and Sam share a look and a quiet chuckle before you walk over to your duffel bag and pull out your shower kit and a change of clean clothes.

You take your time showering, savouring the warm water that cascades down your body, temporarily washing your worries down the drain.

Sticking a hand out of the shower curtain, you feel around the wall for the towel you hung on the rack. You finally find it and dry off before wrapping it around your body and pulling back the shower curtain.

You gasp and pull your towel closer to you at the sight of that all-too-familiar trench coat standing before you.

"Castiel? What are you doing here?" You whisper-yell at him, your eyes wide.

The angel turns around and you swear he looks you up and down before his eyes settle on yours.

"Earlier, did you wish to kiss me?" He asks casually, as if that question means nothing.

Your cheeks turn bright red and you start stuttering, "What-What are you talking about?"

"In my free time I've been studying humans. I've learned that you look at each other's lips when you want to engage in kissing. You looked at my lips earlier, so I wanted to know, did you wish to kiss me?" He tilts his head in the way that you find adorable as he asks the question again.

"You can't just barge in when people are showering!" You scold him in an attempt to change the subject.

He looks confused. "I didn't barge in. I teleported into the bathroom."

You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. "You take things too literally, Cas."

"Cas?" He echoes.

You didn't mean to let the nickname slip. It was something you'd been toying with, an easier name to say than Castiel.

"It's a nickname. Sorry. Probably too informal to address an angel."

"No, I like it. Cas." He repeats, testing how the nickname feels. Then, "Nicknames are a form of endearment, are they not?"

"I suppose, yeah." You concede.

"So would you say that you have a fondness for me?"

The blush on your cheeks flares up again. "You ask a lot of questions."

"Sorry. I am–what do you guys call it? Trying to get to know you better."

"While I'm naked." You add, pointing to the towel around your body.

"It was the only time you were away from Sam and Dean. I didn't anticipate it being a problem."

"People usually don't have conversations naked unless they are...intimate." You explain. "Just something to remember next time."

"Understood. Now, will you answer my questions?"

You go to step out of the shower and Cas reaches out his hand. You take it and allow him to help you step over the edge of the tub.

"I guess I do have a fondness for you," you admit at last.

Now that you're standing so close, having another intimate moment–considering your lack of clothing–the urge to kiss him has returned.

"I, too, hold affection for you." He responds.

Your heartbeat speeds up as he says this and you find yourself taking a step closer to him.

"What would you have done if I told you I wanted to kiss you earlier?" You ask, getting a sudden surge of confidence.

"I would ask if you desire to kiss me now," he replies matter-of-factly.

"And if I said yes?"

"I believe we would kiss."

"I want to kiss you, Cas," you confess, smiling up at him.

"Alright," he nods before placing his hands on your cheeks. "Is this right?"

"Yeah, that's good," you assure him as you wrap your arms around his neck.

Your torsos press together and just as you're about to kiss, there's a pounding on the door, disrupting the moment.

"What are you doing in there, writing the Declaration of Independence?" Dean's voice booms from beyond the door. "Come on, I gotta take a whiz."

You glance up at Castiel, disappointment evident in your eyes. "Maybe another time?"

"Agreed," he concurs before vanishing with the soft flutter of wings.

You sigh and quickly get dressed, making sure to grab all of your things before leaving the bathroom. When you open the door, you see Dean standing there. Without a word, he barges past you into the washroom, slamming the door shut before you can even apologize.

You look over at Sam who's packing his bag and he shrugs with a smile. You shake your head and start packing up your own bag. As you're packing, you start thinking about what just happened.

I probably should have asked Castiel why he wanted to kiss me. Was it just out of pure curiosity? There's no way an angel is allowed to have relations with a human, right?


hey y'all. sorry my birthday weekend ended up being like the entire week. here's a cutie little filler chapter (heavy on the little) just to ease myself back into that writing grind. idrk if i like this chapter that much but i hope you do!!

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