Chapter Two

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It's been two weeks now since you've joined Sam, and he's brought you all across the country. Although the hunt for a demon that's able to bring Dean (as you'd eventually learned his name to be) back has proved to be fruitless, you and Sam have gotten remarkably closer.

You still haven't uncovered the secret of where he goes at night, but you're smart enough to not question him yet. He'd come home one night and you were awake, unable to sleep. Let's just say his reaction to being caught was one that led you to keep your curiosities at bay.

You also didn't have confirmation as to why this Bobby character couldn't know about what you're doing, but you assumed it was because he'd try to stop Sam if he did. Sam and Dean were close, and you'd come to know that he wouldn't let anything get in the way of him bringing his older brother back from hell.

The two of you pulled into a motel parking lot in Pontiac, Illinois. You'd just come from getting burgers at a diner uptown and were bonding over his music taste. You noted early on that the classic rock playlist only plays when he's in a bad mood. Moments like this, where Sam forgets about his troubles for even just a little while, call for a mix of bands similar to Bon Jovi and the occasional Elvis song.

"I don't actually like classic rock," he'd admitted to you one night.

"Why listen to it, then?" You'd questioned, finding it odd that he had an entire playlist dedicated to a genre he hated.

"It's Dean's favourite. Makes me feel closer to him," he had confessed.

The memory makes you sad and you push it back. Sam didn't have very many carefree moments like this, and you wanted to be present for all of it. Instead, you start terribly belting out 'Wanted Dead or Alive.' This warrants a laugh from Sam. Not one of his fake ones, either. The kind of laugh that causes him to crinkle his entire face and throw his head back. He turns off the engine and you're left finishing the verse you were singing without any background music. This causes him to laugh harder, and you join in. You stumble out of the car after him and you guys make your way to the cheap motel room you rented for the night.

Sam's still laughing as he unlocks the door. "I've got to go to the bathroom."

You take a seat on your bed as he's in the washroom, and finally calm yourself down.

While he's finishing up, there's a knock on the motel room door and you walk over to open it. In front of you stands two men, one of them significantly older than the other.

"Um, hi?" You say to them, confused as to why they're here.

Just then, Sam exits the washroom and shock takes place on his just previously smiling face as he sees who's at the door.

The younger of the two men smiles. "Heya, Sammy."

He takes a step into the motel room and you can't read Sam's face anymore. His expression has gone blank. That is until he pulls a knife on the man and you press yourself flat against the open door to steer clear of the fight.

"Who are you?" He yells as the older man steps in and pulls him back.

"Like you didn't do this?" The younger stranger yells back.

His question is answered by Sam asking, "Do what?"

The older man now has a firm grasp around Sam as he assures him, "It's him, Sam. I've been through all of this already. It's really him."

A mixture of pain, confusion, and a hint of joy take up Sam's facial expression as he stutters, clearly in shock and unaware of what to say.

The man steps forward, his expression mirroring Sam's. "I know. I look fantastic, huh?" He asks, and a small smile forms on his lips.

Without a word, Sam pulls the man into his embrace. You don't need to be told, you know this must be Dean. Quietly, as not to interrupt their moment, you close the door.

They stand like that for a moment and you can see Sam fight back tears as his brother pulls him closer into his arms. They finally pull apart from each other and Sam assesses Dean. Once he's satisfied with what he sees, he turns their attention to you, still standing by the door.

"Jonesy, this is my brother Dean and that old fart is Bobby." This in turn causes Bobby to mumble something along the lines of 'who are you calling old?'

"I've heard so much about you guys," you step forward and offer your hand to Dean.

Instead of shaking it like you expected, he grabs your hand and pulls it towards his lips, kissing the top of it.

"Sammy, I didn't know you had a girlfriend," he teases.

"Oh, I'm not..." you start defending and Sam cuts you off.

"Jonesy was just helping me try to find a way to bring you back."

"What the hell kind of a name is Jonesy, anyways?" Bobby mumbles, his feelings still obviously hurt from being called an old fart.

This in turn causes you to laugh as you explain. "My name isn't actually Jonesy, it's just what I've been called my entire life."

"This beautiful young lady's name is beside the point," Dean shoots you a wink before turning his attention back to Sam, "you really didn't do this?"

Sam's face falls, "No Dean, honestly. I seriously wish it was, I'm sorry. We tried everything. Hunted down every single crossroads demon we could find."

"Hey, I believe you. You don't need to apologize. All that matters is that I'm back."

"Yeah, but if these two idjits didn't do it, who or what did?" Bobby questions.

You and Sam both shrug your shoulders, genuinely not knowing how Dean got back from hell. All of your attempts had been futile.

"What are you guys doing here, anyways? This close to where I was buried."

You can't answer this question, either. Truth is, you'd just been following Sam blindly. So you allow him to speak.

"One of the crossroads demons I interrogated told me Lilith could be around here and I desperately wanted payback." Sam answers with a shaky voice. "We were following a pack of demons that could lead us to her."

You assumed it was one of the times he visited a crossroad by himself, and you guys had just been slowly following the trail as you went along. It made enough sense. Still, it hurt that he didn't fill you in.

"We can worry about Lilith later," Bobby interjects. "We should go see an old friend of mine, Pamela. She's a psychic. She might be able to tell us who or what got you out and what it wants in return."

Everyone seems to be in agreement to this, so you and Sam grab your duffel bags. Before leaving, Sam takes off the necklace he's been wearing and gives it to Dean.

Dean puts the necklace on his own neck and turns to leave, but Sam stops him. "Hey, what was hell like?"

His gaze becomes distant as he responds, "I don't remember a damn thing."

Just from the way his face changed, you clock that Dean's lying. You don't want to ruin the reunion, though, so you stay quiet.

He'll tell him when he's ready, you decide before heading out the door.

Sam and Dean follow suit. You get in the back of the impala and Sam reclaims his place as passenger.

As Dean sits in the driver's side, he pauses as he looks at the radio. "Why'd you guys have to douche up baby?"

He chucks the iPod into the backseat beside you and starts driving, following Bobby's old pickup truck.

You fall asleep in the backseat listening to a Journey song on the radio and the soft chatter of Sam and Dean. 

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