Chapter Three

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You wake up, your body cramped and uncomfortable. Opening your eyes, you see that it's early morning, the sun just barely reaching over the horizon.

Grumbling, you sit up straight in the backseat and stretch. Dean looks at you in the rearview mirror.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty."

"Yeah, morning. Where are we?" You rub your eyes. You're not intentionally trying to be rude to Dean, but you're also not a morning person.

"No clue. Sam was supposed to be keeping track but," he motions your attention to Sam who's snoring softly in the passenger seat, his head resting against the window, "he sucks at his job."

You shrug. "He hardly sleeps. Was always too busy looking for you."

"Thank you, by the way. For helping him and not allowing him to go crazy."

"I think he was already there when we met," you say, recalling how Sam first had reacted to you. "The loneliness just overpowered the crazy."

"Either way, thank you." Dean says again as he follows behind Bobby's truck, merging from the highway onto the exit road.

"Yeah, of course. I have to ask, why did you lie to him about hell?"

Dean's face hardens. "What?"

"You remember hell. Why did you tell Sam otherwise?"

He turns to make sure Sam is asleep before answering carefully and quietly, "I did things. Things I'm not ready to talk about."

You nod in understanding. You can't begin to imagine what hell must have been like. You can only hope that Dean tells Sam soon.

This family is prone to keeping secrets, you note. One day it might be their downfall.

You decide to leave the conversation at that, and Dean seems to be appreciative, turning the radio up just a little bit louder.

Soon after, the car pulls in front of a small suburban house. Bobby gets out of his truck and waves you guys to get out.

Dean nudges Sam who jumps awake, slightly frenzied until realization kicks in and he calms down.

"We're here," Dean announces before getting out of the car.

You give Sam a small smile before opening the door and stepping out yourself. He quickly follows and Bobby leads the three of you to the front door.

Without even having to knock, the door is opened by a woman with wavy hair that's so dark brown, it appears black. She also has beautiful green eyes that you can't help but to stare into for a moment.

"Bobby," she's laughing as she pulls the man into a hug, lifting him off of his feet.

You see Bobby make a face and Sam must catch it too, because he's making eye contact with you, trying not to laugh.

She puts him down and he finally speaks, "You're a sight for sore eyes."

They share a smile before Pamela turns to the brothers, "Well, these the boys?"

Bobby turns and says, "Sam, Dean, Pamela Barnes, best goddamn psychic in the state."

They both awkwardly introduce themselves before she turns to you. "And who might this be?"

"I'm just a friend. Nice to meet you." You introduce yourself with a polite smile.

Pamela mimics your smile and turns her attention back to Dean. "Dean Winchester. Out of the fire and back in the pan, huh? Makes you a rare individual."

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