Chapter Nine

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After Castiel and Uriel leave, there's a sense of urgency as the three of you rush to the impala. Sam starts fiddling with the bone from one of the hex bags, a contemplative look on his face.

"Do you know how much heat it would take to char a bone like this? I mean, more than a fire or some kitchen oven."

"Okay, Betty Crocker. What does that mean?" Dean interjects.

"It means we make a stop. The high school."

Dean starts the car and drives to the high school you just visited earlier that day. Entering the art classroom, you and Dean walk over to the kiln while Sam starts rifling through the teacher's desk.

"So Tracy used the kiln to char the bone. So what?" Dean questions.

"That hex bag turned up in our room, not after we talked to Tracy..."

You cut Sam off. "After we talked to the teacher."

He notices a locked drawer at the bottom of the desk and grabs a nearby hammer as you and Dean gather around. He smashes the lock until it breaks and he opens the drawer. Inside is a bowl of bones, one of them is charred, the rest aren't.

"My god, those are all from children," he gasps, horror lacing his words.

"And I'm guessing he's not saving them for the dog." Dean adds, his usual smooth tone laced with disgust.

"I think we need to get to Mr. Harding's house immediately." You state, already heading for the classroom door.

As you're walking down the hallway, you run into a teacher who was just leaving for the day.

"Excuse me, Ma'am. We need the address of Mr. Harding immediately." You demand, putting on your 'FBI voice.'

"I'm sorry, I can't do that." She says politely.

"This is a federal investigation." Dean's voice booms from behind you. "You really want to keep information from us?"

"My apologies. Let–let me get it for you," she stutters before digging around in her purse. After a few seconds, she pulls out an address book and starts flipping through it. "244 Riverside Drive."

Sam thanks her and you're back in motion, making your way to the impala in the nearly-empty parking lot. Dean wastes no time speeding to the address and soon enough you're parked out front grabbing weapons from the trunk. It takes Sam just under a minute to skillfully pick the lock on the front door, and the three of you slip inside, searching for Mr. Harding.

While you're in the midst of inspecting a closet, Sam discreetly motions for you and Dean to join him..

"There's a basement," he whispers, gesturing to the door he just opened. A quick glance shows stairs descending into a lit-up room.

Descending one by one, with guns at the ready, Sam takes the lead, followed by Dean, and then you. At the bottom of the stairs, you see Tracy tied up and hanging from the ceiling, a rag in her mouth as she struggles to break free. Mr. Harding is standing in front of her with a knife raised above his head. Just as he's about to plunge it into her, Sam opens fire three times.

The teacher crumples to the ground and Sam kneels to check his body as you and Dean rush over to Tracy. Together, you cut her down from the ceiling and she pulls the rag from her mouth.

"Thank you, he was gonna kill me! Ugh, that sick son of a bitch. I mean, did you see what he was doing? Did you hear him? How sloppy his incantation was? My brother always was a little dim."

Just as you and the brothers are about to raise your guns, she waves her arm and chants an incantation, sending you all flying backwards. Hitting the floor, you start writhing in pain.

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