Chapter Six

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Once Bobby woke up and assured you about twenty times that he was okay, he drove you and Dean back to the motel parking lot where the three of you waited for Sam. When he pulled up in the impala, you immediately hopped in the backseat and laid down. He got out of the car and looked to Dean like he wanted to say something, but the expression on Dean's face said 'don't ask.' And so, he didn't. Instead, he went around the car and got into the passenger seat.

"We'll follow you to your house," you heard Dean's voice through the car door.

You hear Bobby mumble something in response and Dean reclaims his spot as driver shortly after.

The drive back to Bobby's was the same as the drive out here in the fact that you slept the entire time.


You woke up this time to Sam's voice.

"Jonesy, hey, wake up. We're here." He coaxed from the front seat.

You grumble and sit up, that same feeling of cramped-ness in your bones. You stretch quickly before finally looking at Sam.

"Good morning... It is morning, right?"

Sam chuckles, "Yeah, it's morning. We're at Bobby's. Dean already went inside."

"They're probably hitting the books. Surprised your nerdy ass didn't tag along and forget about me," you tease as you grab your things that are scattered around the backseat.

You get out and Sam follows, protesting as he does. "Hey! I'm a friend before I'm a nerd."

"Yeah okay, Steve Urkel," you joke as you follow him to the front door.

"Gotta work on your insults; Dean's called me that too many times to count." He turns halfway to shoot you a shit-eating grin before opening the door.

You lightly shove his shoulder before the two of you walk into Bobby's study. As you expected, he and Dean are nose-deep in old books.

You place your duffel bag on the ground and then take a seat in the spinning chair at the small desk in the corner of the room, kicking off so that you spin around. Sam chuckles and takes a seat next to Dean on the couch. He looks over his shoulder at the book he's reading and frowns.

"Angels? Will one of you finally tell me what happened last night?"

Dean and Bobby look up from their books and the three of you share a look. Bobby clears his throat.

"Castiel is an angel," he shrugs before going back to his book.

"So he says," Dean grunts.

"I don't know, he was pretty convincing. I mean, the wings? How could he have made that up?" You chime in, kicking off into a spin again.

"Could you stop doing that?" He grumbles and you steady the chair. "All I know is that I was not groped by an angel."

"Why do you think Castiel would lie to you about it?" Sam raises his eyebrow.

"Maybe he's some kind of Demon. Demons lie."

"I don't know...he was immune to the salt rounds, devil's traps, and Ruby's knife. Isn't even Lilith scared of that thing?" You question.

"Don't you guys think if angels were real, that some hunter somewhere would have seen some point...ever?"

"Yeah, Dean. You two just did."

Dean sighs. "I'm trying to come up with a theory here, okay? Work with me."

"We have a theory." You interject. You couldn't understand why Dean was having such a hard time accepting the reality of Castiel when the proof was right in front of your eyes last night.

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