3| Food or Foe?

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Dark red hair slicked back and hidden under a top hat, thick, arched eyebrows, cool grey eyes that assessed everything with a calculated gaze, a perfectly straight nose and lips that formed a bow, with a sharp and chiseled jawline that made one envious. 

He was an extremely handsome man who did not look human at all. I suspected that he definitely had some other bloodline in him. He looked too perfect to be human. Azrael smelled delicious, like sweet chocolate and his blood singed for me to taste it. I had never felt so drawn to a person before. 

I snapped out of my daze as he walked past me. 

Oh, right. I had work to do, this was not the time to be drooling after food. My breathing turned shallow, Mr Gvantsa was behind Gustav Enterprises? This was huge information! I wanted to leave right away and tell my father, but resisted the urge. 

I quickly shuffled to the room they had left to look for clues and the file I needed, which to my knowledge was hidden there. I scanned every shelf, rummaging through the scattered files. There was some new information but it was useless, not what I had come for. I stiffened as I sensed a powerful presence behind me.

‘Bloody hell!’

I turned around to see Azrael Gvantsa standing before me in all his glory. How did I not sense his presence till he was behind me?

“Looking for this?” He asked quietly, brandishing a black file in his hand. I gulped. This man… he really was not human. No human would have such a powerful presence. I knew instinctively that I couldn't evade him by lying, so I did the next best thing, my eyes darted to the open window next to me, and I jumped out of it.

Well, I tried to. I was caught by the scruff of my neck. I didn't even know when he moved to where I was. 

“And where are you trying to go?” He whispered in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. 

“What are you?” I asked in disbelief. How could he catch up to my speed? He was definitely not a vampire. His eyes were gray and no spell could hide the red vampiric eyes. 

“Shouldn't you be introducing yourself first, little vampire.” 

My eyes flashed. I had to run now or my identity would be exposed. I had used only one spell to disguise myself and didn't know if it would be enough to defend myself against this man. 

I struggled in vain. All my attempts to free myself resulted in failure. How was he so damned strong? I finally aimed for a kick to his crotch and he blocked my leg with one arm, his grip on me loosening for a moment. It was enough for me to twist free from his grasp. 

He blocked the window too soon though, preventing my escape and effectively trapping me in the room. I had witnessed his speed first hand, I was no match for him in neither strength nor agility. So the moment I tried to step towards the door, I would be caught. 

My only hope was to make a big enough distraction using my magic. Full blooded vampires cannot use magic, but halflings like me could. So he would not expect that. But unfortunately for me, my mana reserve was so low that I could barely light a candle. 

I lit his coat on fire and ran for the door. I was about to get out to the corridor, when I fell down as if pulled back by an invisible rope. I kneeled on the floor, bound by strings of silver. I cursed. I recognised this mana. 

‘Fae magic.’

I heard light and leisurely footsteps leading to me. He circled my body and stood before me, leaning forward, he grabbed my chin and made me look at him, his face so close my nose almost touched his. 

“Faerie,” I sneered. His grip on my jaw tightened. Azrael Gvantsa was a faerie. That realization alone made my head hurt. What was a faerie doing in the human realm? They had their own empire just like other species, hell they had their own realm even. 

“Well what do we have here? A Vampire Halfling. A well trained one at that. Let's look at what you have underneath your lovely disguise, shall we,” Azrael said, a cruel mirth in his voice as he took off my black fedora hat, and my hair came undone, deep brown locks that I had cast a spell on, fell down my shoulders. 

I heard his fingers snap before my spell evaporated up in a black smoke. I watched in horror as my brown locks turned mint blue, my original hair color reappearing. Recognition flashed in his eyes as he saw my hair.

I gulped. 

‘Ah, I'm done for.’

His jaw tightened as he took me in completely. 

“Pray tell me, what is the esteemed Princess of the Empire doing in my office, parading around in men's attire?” He asked, accentuating each and every word.

“And what is a Fae doing in the human realm?” I retorted. I caught the scent of my coat burning as I tried to move.

“I would advise you not to make any moves, my lady. My strings…burn,” Azrael said with a curious tilt of his head. 

“Release me this instant, Mr Gvantsa. You will be bringing upon a war on yourself if you harm a single hair on my head. I am the heir to the Duchy of Kadirah, and it would do you well to remember that,” I said shakily. I still couldn't believe that my identity was exposed.

And to my enemy of all people!

He looked at me in silence.

“And why should I? When you are the one who trespassed on my property.” 

I swallowed the curses on the tip of my tongue. 

“Because I am a princess and you are a commoner, I can order you to do whatever I want and you must comply. That is the way of the empire. Now, you wouldn't want to harm an innocent little lady who lost her way, do you?” I rushed my words, speaking nonsense that didn't make sense even to me. 

“Lost your way into a twelve story building at night?” He asked, sounding amused. 

Azrael let go of my chin and stood up straight. 

“Now, why don't you tell me why you are really here, Princess? And I will consider letting you go unscathed." 

Dun Dun Dun. What do you guys think? Can our crossdressing princess escape safely? Or will she be manipulated by Azrael? Find out in the next chapter! Don't forget to vote, comment and share 💕

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