Start from the beginning

"She is not made from storms and fire, only blood," Pele states icily, "blood that will be split if you're not careful Vivianne ... Queen Arwen is changed, she is colder and by all accounts her gift has grown even more powerful, then there is Carina who had already made an attempt on Arwen and caused me a political headache. All three are strong, perhaps I was too quick to put my faith that Nalani would reign victorious."

That shocks Vivianne, who shoots Pele a monstrous glare with her furious green eyes and gestures for Kali to leave who bows hastily and then does so, shutting the door behind her.

How can her ally and friend speak like this? Who has always steadfastly stood by her.

"Do not lose sight of what is best for the island," Vivianne snaps, then subdues her temper before Pele's rises to meet hers and says carefully, "the shadows and the poisoners will only bring ruin and dissent, unreliability and resentment, Nalani is the island's best hope I believe that with all my heart. Yes she is disobedient and wilful but she is a queen, they are not like us and they never will be. Her passion and strength will ensure the love of the island as well as inspire fear into our enemies, she is the best choice and most worthy of your support."

"You are biased," Pele says simply, rubbing her eyes wearily, "but my daughter can stay by Nalani's side if she wishes, I will not order her, and I will not waste the time of the other three assigned as a guard, they will return to Bastian City."

Vivianne goes to retort but Pele raises a hand.

"Do not tempt my fury Vivianne not today," she snaps, "I held no love for Cierra and certainly none for Andrea but Ebony rules Umbra now and she will be a fair leader by all accounts and my own personal experience ... circumstances have changed and Queen Nalani is going off on foolish missions during an Ascension Year, I will no longer be involved in a queen that wastes mine and my warrior's time."

Vivianne smiles tightly, "So you no longer support Queen Nalani."

Pele considers it for a minute wearily, she must keep faith with all on the island, now Carina and Cressida Lermont's daughter work together and Ebony rules rather than Cierra. When the the political situation changes, the future of the island changes.

"I only support the island, and as I still rule for a little while longer I cannot be seen as biased. Not after a queens guardians' murder," Pele says regretfully, she is not sorry for Cierra but she does not like the instability it represents.

She fears there is a faction working to undermine the queensline, the attack on Queen Carina at Beltane by the Milone girl, the attack on Queen Nalani by a rogue Arron. Even rumours of an attempt on Queen Arwen months ago. All before the Ascension Year.

She has already dispatched Black Council members, Evangeline Antere and her husband, James Antere, to Umbra to investigate Cierra's murder and interrogate any involved and keep their ears to the ground for any suspected of treason towards the queensline. She trusts them both, they are fair but brutal. They would surely get answers if there were any.

And now the removal of a queens guardian confirms it, there is something, someone at work. Perhaps stemming from the original rebels who tried to oust the queensline in the Queens War. Pele just wishes she knew exactly who was behind it all, there must be a correlation.

"I must be fair," Pele continues at last, "for even Queen Carina has surprised me, lately she has been tending to the sick and wounded, our fellow Cressida tells me that her youngest daughter teaches her the art of healing. Ebony will influence Arwen for the better and the Lermont girl influences the poisoner for the better, it is not so black and white as to who is best for the island anymore Vivianne, and Nalani wastes my warriors and is ungrateful for my efforts ..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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